Every year at Hershey ECC the first and second graders have a reading incentive program with a big reward at the end of the year. Each month they bring home a calendar and when they return it to school get a something (this year it was a gold medal). One year was people in the community & a parade, the next year was Hershey Park 100 year celebration carnival day and this year the Olympics. Jakob's class were sprinters , had to dig for a red,white, & blue outfit. WIth each gold medal they got a new book, so Joe brought home 8 new ones!! Oh, I just noticed my friend Carol's hand in the picture. Hint to anyone who loves me...besides a new fancy camera, I really want a great photo program, scanner, and external hard-drive. Then all these blog pictures would look even better and I could crop out Carol's hand.
Yes, I forgot this post is about Jakob. We are so proud of the work he has done this year. He has come so far in Kindergarden...maybe "they" are right when they say summer boys might do better being held back a year, lesson learned. With that being said, he really has improved and shows way more interest in learning and is enjoying being able to read some.
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