while waiting to get into Lambert's we saw a double (a little chubbier version) of my brother-in-law Scott

in honor of Chris' chickens

me at the Laura Ingalls Wilder home, where she lived as a married woman and wrote her books. I only think of her as a little "half-pint" like in the t.v. show

cutest screen door to the huge closet

just a cute girly room

the pond and horses

we went with the physician recruiter from the West Plains hospital to see her horse, and I thought this blue eyed one was unusual

Chris with Clay the horse
Here are some highlights from our trip to Missouri. We first drove to West Plains, a town of about 10,000, but it is the largest town for 100 miles. We had a good time...the town and hospital may be just a bit too isolated for me.
We then drove to Springfield where Chris interviewed with two hospitals, both of which were too large (sounds like goldilocks, hope we can find the just right). I loved the city as it was way easy to get around and prices were crazy cheap. We went to the Laura Ingalls Wilder home, Bass Pro Shops, a great sandwich shop called Lola's which you must go to if ever that way. Everything is homemade and delicious! We went to Lambert's and did not have time to catch a show in Branson though. I had a great time being away even though I was fearful to leave all my five children...but now it has left me wanting another trip. See I didn't know what I was missing before.
When do you guys find out when you match? Cool house.
The picture of Chris with the big chicken brought back memories of the Chicken Car in Mississippi. Remember that??? It was so funny. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane and for some GREAT photos. It made me feel like I was RIGHT THERE with y'all!!! We miss you like CRAZY!!! Lots of love from Utah!
Thats funny of Scott-I thought it was really him! Cute pictures-We love looking at your family.
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