Thursday, October 30, 2008

we're home

We are happy to be home, I don't think Chris mentioned the name in his post...we had a hard time deciding (agreeing), Magnolia (Maggie) Claire. Since I wouldn't give Chris Augustus (for Obvious reasons for any of the boys) I did not insist on Amelia. She is cute and tiny.

Final Installment

While the mommy is getting some well deserved R&R I thought it would be appropriate to keep the Blog up and running. I feel like a guest writer for Ann Landers??!!;)
Nikki decided to take matters into her own hands a few nights ago. She had been given much advice on going into labor (enemas, trampoline, car rides, doing the nasty, etc..)and we had always been resistant to trying those things, except the later of course (ya'll know I'm a P*I*M*P!!). But I digress.
Anyway we went to 3 different stores looking for some of natures elixir, you know, the oil d' castor. It's harder to find than one would think. We were a little nervous at first but a quick chat with Alexis-it's all I ever use-Morgan we had the dose and expected onset of action sorted out. Big shout out to AM for the guidance.
4 hours and a smelly bathroom later we were side ways on two wheels screeching into the hospital parking lot. And later on that morning 0913 to be exact our last little princess arrived.

DOB: 10-28-08
TOB: 0913
Eyes: dark
Hair: black, curly but not jerry. A quick side note; At first as the head was crowning and then the
face was presenting I could have swore she was black. I felt a little awkward for a brief
moment and was wondering if my pimpness had faded.
Weight: 7lbs 6ozs that's almost 17,000 carats!!!
Height: 19.5 inches
Vertical leap: not yet determined

I would like to thank all those that have in someway enriched our lives, been a true friend to Nikki, and have made this a most joyous occasion.
And one last note because I am positive I will have a lifelong ban from blogging;


Monday, October 27, 2008


here was the wknd for us, the girls and Chris went to an Activity Days daddy daughter brunch Saturday morning. They even learned some new dance moves. Emma especially loves spending time with Chris, she gets all giggly and smiley.
Chris and I went to the grocery store Alone, not romantic however since we were about out of food and it is way easier without the kids in tow I thought it was great

That evening I took Anna, Emma, & Jakob to HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3. Thank you to Emma for letting us use her CocoaPlex giftcard she got for her birthday. It was cute, lots of singing and not much dialogue. I enjoyed being out since I feel like I have been stuck in this house forever.

Yesterday was the primary program, of course the kids did a great job on their parts. Emma had to give a talk about her recent baptism which she wrote herself...they are never nervous, I still would rather not speak in public. Anna was supposed to play some prelude music but refused....she has informed us that she no longer wants to take piano or viola lessons, the piano really surprised me because I thought she enjoyed it, well we are not letting her quit. She takes tap too and I know she has lots to do, but still no quitting the music lessons. She now wants to join the lacrosse team, we are going to a mtg this week to see. She does need a physical activity more than tap, atleast it is not field hockey.

Instead of focusing on the lack of labor coming...I will just appreciate that I got a really great night of sleep last night which would not have been possible if I'd already had the baby.

If I could go out today I would go get Jakob a new coat,pants, pjs, socks & winter crocs, Nolan some clothes and shoes, and Anna some clothes (well not for her she wouldn't like anything I picked out for her) and then some more fabric and pink thread and some new cleaner for my house. I cannot use my grapefruit Method cleaner that I have used for so long and for everything b/c it has corn in it (thank you Anna for your label reading). and Chris please bring home some diapers.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I want candy

here are some things I would like, you can buy them in a huge bag on
or some chocolate that is from europe would be fine with hazelnuts, I will just have to go to your house to eat it. if anyone wants to ge me some since my husband won't let me leave my house it will make me happy since I am feeling pretty sad today.


so any ideas on how to get labor started???

I like my little baby stork ticker "it's go time" you hear that little baby?

apparently this baby will fit right in this family as all my other children have selective listening.

I don't want a fat hog baby so come now while you are still "average", I will still love you and after this many kids the size really doesn't matter . I am ready, why aren't you??? I finally put up your bassinet yesterday (by the way your brothers are going to LOVE pushing you around the house), washed your clothes, even picked out a coming home outfit, new batteries...what else do you need?!

you don't want to have a mean mommy, the other ones will tell you how unpleasant I can be (only on occasion ;) but I feel that I am on the verge of a breakdown. but I know when you finally arrive that all these feelings will suddenly vanish when you give your cute little newborn cry and smell all sweet in the crook of your neck and your little legs will be all folded up. we will all be so in love with you...I guess I wouldn't be able to hold a grudge against you too long.

so please hurry up so we can give you some cuddles (never too early to start with the bribes)

blah blah

hey dr, remember when you told me at my appt yesterday that you'd probably see me at the hospital that afternoon and that surely in the next 24 hrs I'd have a baby and I kind of get excited make sure the house is clean, and things are in order.well, it is the next day, I am still at my house and guess what I am not in labor, I cannot sleep because I am uncomfortable ,moody, and DISAPPOINTED. one would think that after so many times of not going into labor on time or without the aid of pitocin I would be over it, but I will blame it on my irrational pregnancy way of thought (which I will trade excuses for a million kids crazy thinking after the baby comes)
really sometimes I think I may never have this baby. I have been pregnant 5 times in the last 3 1/2 yrs so my mind is even extra wacko.

by the way, my house isn't really clean anymore.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I am back from my appt., now I am dialated to a four, and the dr stripped my membranes and says oh I can feel the baby's ear...kind of crazy. we will see if anything happens today, if not I go back next week

got Sam's lab results back, nothing changed for the better. A few things went up like corn, it had been pretty low so I let him eat candy sometimes but will not anymore since I am sure that is whay he has been so rashy lately. corn syrup is in a lot of things. we had not tested him for tree nuts before but he is positive for all of those with walnuts being the highest. There are levels 1-6, with 6 being the highest...he is a 6 for walnuts & wheat. Good news that the fall environmental allergens are all fine.

I was pretty disappointed because age three is usually when levels start to decrease, I think I need to really change what I bring into our home... we already have no peanuts, like no regular ketchup (it has corn syrup) no candy, well there is a lot more it is not fair to sam.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

labor, labor come today

(to be sung to the tune rain, rain go away)
I am bound to my house...maybe not a good idea to go far, like the trashy Walmart. I really need some groceries but would hate to go into labor there. gross.
I am books to read, no projects (ok I could scrapbook but I am not going to) I feel like sewing some blankets and embellishing some burp cloths. but no fabric. so I am just sitting here wasting time.
I did go get Sam's prescription at the hospital so that was fun, Chris was there (just in case:)
he is on some antibiotic and on a tapering steriod, but apparently the steriod is awful tasting (he calls it spicy) and he spits about half of it out. Last time we gave him a shot I think, that was way better. His skin looks a ton better...he got his blood work drawn on Friday so can't wait to see what the results are. I also put him back on his singulair, which he was off for about 3 weeks b/c I never went to pick up the Rx...but he doesn't sleep as well.

I am anxious to have the baby b/c I am uncomfortable, but still am worried about how it will change our lives. I did get an appt for this Thursday with the OB, however it is with someone I do not really care for her. I wish I wasn't so wishy washy b/c nobody else seems to have these appt issues.

I think I will go nap.


Here is the only picture I have on the camera of Jakob's haircut. (I don't know how to get them off of the cell phone). He looks like a different boy.

Emma's Halloween Party

Here are some pictures from Emma's (late birthday) Halloween Party. It was a crazy night, Chris put up some great decorations, which I did not take pictures of...the kids had some ghoulish treats, played lots of games, and were CRAZY!!! I was very tired after the party and happy it was a fun night for Emma and her friends.


Happy Birthday to my mom and nephew Max today!!!!
Hope it is a wonderful day!!!
I love you!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

baby is here

NO, not my baby....yesterday, my sister-in-law Angela (Ben's wife) had their sweet baby after a long day of labor and then a c-section. 8 lbs 5 oz. 21 1/2 inches long, his name is Noah Robert.
Congratulations!! Hope all is well, and I am excited to see some pictures.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I am back from the baby yet. here is the too much information as promised
dialated to 3, almost completely effaced, baby at +2 station (which she informs me is not usual for a subsequent baby to drop until labor) she stripped my membranes...inquires how far I live away and says don't go far. I will not get excited, this news is not new. With Jakob I was dialated to a 6, they broke my water and I still did not go into labor.
oh, and appointments next week, I guess I am on my own.

can't think of a cute catchy title

that is right it is just after 3am and NO I cannot sleep. I have heartburn like a dragon, my own fault for choosing to have pizza for dinner. I am uncomfortable and cannot lie in bed tossing and turning. I wish I had a good book to read. Maybe I will look at my new Real Simple magazine that came in the mail yesterday, I have been doing laundry in the middle of the night, but last time it woke up Anna. I am thinking about poor little Sam as the past two nights I have found him asleep on the hard wood floors in the hallway. He is EXTRA rashy lately, I am not sure what he is allergic to in the fall, but he gets bad now. Ever since the summer in Florida and his nasty pustules & furuncles (I have no idea how to spell that) staph body infection, well I have never quite got his skin in tip top shape. His face is puffy and he has that toxic look about him. I am out of his steroid ointment and the other stuff I cannot put on him while pregnant, Chris never seems to be around at the right time to do that. He goes to the allergist Friday, he will get more blood work to check his levels so hopefully there may be some good news there. We go back to dermatology in a few weeks and I almost prefer going there as they are more on top of things. Sometimes I think he may go to too many drs and never really feel like anything gets done. But really there is not much that can be done, no easy fix. I really feel awful when he gets so itchy like now and is miserable. Just have to wait for him to hopefully outgrow this stuff, which is nice to know there is that possibility b/c there are far worse ailments he could have...cancer, diabetes, etc. In my family there are 6 kids with all being relatively healthy growing up with the exception of John with juvenile diabetes, so we are just rolling the dice everytime with another child.
I finally washed all the baby clothes, but I think she needs some more, socks, onesies...I need to get loose ends tied, perhaps wash the bedding for the bassinet. I did buy the baby soap and lotion, I love the way babies smell. I think Sam will do fine with the baby, not sure about Nolan. he is so funny lately. he and Sam "play" chase, wrestle, cars & trains, and little people together, it makes me happy, trying not to impatient with the messes those little ones can make. Since he says few words, really all he says is stop, no while putting his "talk to the hand" up. I am trying to teach him so signs (I only know a few) so we did 'more' one day, and I am sure he thinks it is give me what I want right now, b/c when he wants something (and he is particular and does not hesitate to throw anything right down) he will just put his little hands together over and over like he is yelling with the more sign. I do not know if I can reteach it, but atleast he has something now.

The big kids are doing well in school, they enjoy it which I am glad. I think I am bored with this and my arm feels funny.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thank you

to my sweet Chris, what a wonderful surprise you left for me in the living room this morning!! I love you!!

*****For curious minds I got a brand new bike for my birthday now I will not be left out on the family outings. I will have to wait a little bit to use it though. The kids were thrilled as well!

I think if I am good Santa will certainly bring me my camera for Christmas, getting one would be way too much excitement (the bike was a big surprise) it may have put me into labor and we still have Emma's party this wknd!!

I have my 39 week check up tomorrow, so stay tuned for a too much information post then!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


here are the recipes for you Penny:

1/2 c shortening
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
cream that together, then add:
1 c. pumpkin
1 t. baking powder
1 t. salt
2 1/2 t. nutmeg
1/2 t. ginger
2 c. flour
Bake at 350 for 15 minutes

icing:2 c. confectioners sugar, 2 T lemon juice, a little milk
frosting: 4 T. softened butter, 3 c. confec sugar, 2 T. lemon juice, 4-5 T. milk


1 c. butter, softened
1 8 oz cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 egg
1 t. vanilla
1/2 t. almond extract
3 1/2 c. flour
1 t. baking powder

Combine butter, cream cheese, then add sugar and beat until fluffy. Add the egg, vanilla, & extracts. Combine flour & baking powder then add to the butter mixture. Divide dough in half, wrap and chill for 1 1/2 hours. Roll out into 1/8 thick & cut with cookie cutters. Bake on parchment lined cookie sheet at 375 for 8-10 minutes.

(i know you don't eat meat, cut I am sure there is a substitute for the bacon fat)
1/2 lb bacon, cooked & crumbled
2 T reserved bacon fat
3 T balsalmic vinegar
1/2 lb spinach leaves
salt & pepper
2 hard boiled eggs
10 cherry tomatoes

add vinegar to bacon fat for dressing

2 cans black beans, drained & rinsed
2 T. fresh chopped cilantro
1 can corn, drained
7-9 plum tomatoes, chopped
1 bunch chopped scallions
1/2 green pepper, minced finely
3 T apple cider vinegar
2 t sugar
1 pkg zesty Italian seasoning

chill covered for 2 hours

1 8oz cream cheese, softened
2 c. confectioners sugar
1 (15oz) can pumpkin pie filling
1 t. cinnamon
1/2 t ginger

serve with gingersnaps, apples, & pears

here's one for John & the crockpot
1 lb ground beef
1 onion, chopped
1 can stewed tomatoes
1 can kindney beans, drained
2 cans tomato juice ( or sauce for thicker chili)
1 can chili beans
4 + T chili powder
dash cinnamon
dash worchestershire
1 T. sugar
salt & pepper

1 yellow cake mix
1 sm instant chocolate pudding mix
1/2 c oil
1/2 c water
8 oz sour cream
3 eggs
6 oz milk chocolate chips

Mix oil, water, sour cream, & eggs. Then add cake mix & pudding mix about 2 minutes with electric mixer. Fold in chocolate chips. Bake at 350 for 1 hour in a buttered & floured bundt or tube pan.

1/2 cup finely chopped onion
3 T. butter
1/4 c. flour
4 potatoes, peeled & diced
1 c. water
2 chicken bullion cubes or broth (1 c)
3 c. milk
4 oz cream cheese
salt & pepper

melt butter, add flour and combine. Add in onion, potatoes, milk & broth. Cook until potatoes are tender. Add in cream cheese until melted. Serve with a pat of butter, sprinkle of paprika and some scallions

1 1/3 c heavy cream
1 1/2 c sweetened coconut
4 lg egg yolks
1 14 oz sweetened condensed milk
1/2 c lime juice

Mix cream with 1 c coconut in saucepan. Bring to a boil on med low heat stirring constantly until reduced by half. Set aside.
Beat egg yolks until thick and pale with electric mixer (about 4 minutes) on low speed add milk, 1/2 of lime juice, and then rest of juice. Spread coconut cream on graham cracker pie crust, then lime filling. bake 12 minutes at 350. Freeze for 1 hour

1 2/3 c graham cracker crumbs
1/4 c sugar
1/4 c + 2 T melted butter
place in 9 inch pie plate, bake for 7-9 minutes at 350

1 c honey
1 stick butter
1/2 c sugar
melt above in saucepan, cool
then add
3 t. baking powder
1 t cinnamon
1 t cloves
3-4 cups flour

Blend until sough is clay like. Roll out and cut bake 350 for 8-10 minutes

1 lb tomatoes, seeded & chopped
1 c. chopped fresh cilantro
1 small white onion, chopped
1 jalapeno, seeded & chopped
kosher salt
lime juice

1 1/2 c warm water
1 T sugar
1 1/2 t salt
1 T shortening
1 pkg yeast

combine above, then add 4 c flour, one at a time. Cover in a bowl for 10 minutes. Lightly knead and roll into a greased cookie sheet. Bake 5 minutes at 400, then add toppings and bake until lightly browned.

CHICKEN FAJITAS (for the crockpot) or use as a marinade and grill
juice of 6 limes, or about 1/2 c +
4 chopped scallions
6 cloves of garlic (put through a press)
1/4 c. + 2 T chopped cilantro
1/4 c. vegetable oil
1 t. crushed red pepper flakes

this on about 4 chicken breasts (sometiems I put them in frozen) cook all day and then about an hour before serving shred up the meat, put back in with peppers, onions, tomatoes for another hour. then serve.

8 1/2 inch slices of french bread
1/4 c butter
8 slices provolone
3 plum tomatoes, sliced
fresh basil
12 cooked bacon slices
assemble and cook on your griddle

3 c flour
2 1/2 c sugar
3 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
4 eggs
1 c oil
1/3 c orange juice concentrate
2 1/2 t vanilla
4 apples, peeled & diced

Mix all ingredients together. bake at 350 for 2 hours in greased bundt pan. Layer 1/3 batter and 1/2 apples and sprinkle with cinnamon & sugar. then 1/2 remaining batter, rest of apples & cinnamon and sugar. Top with rest of batter.

another crock pot for John
2 lbs ground beef
1 onion, chopped
2 pkgs ranch mix
2 pkgs taco seasoning
1 can black beans
1 can kidney beans
1 can pinto beans
1 can tomatoes with chilies
1 can chopped tomatoes
2 cans white corn
2 c water

makes 4 quarts

another crockpot one for John

1/2 yellow onion chopped
1 t cumin
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cans chicken broth
1 can mexican style tomatoes
3 T fresh cilantro chopped
1 t finely chopped jalapeno
1/4 c lime juice
2 c cooked shredded chicken
1 c shoestring carrots

cook on low about 5 hours. before serving lightly pan fry in a bit of oil corn tortilla cut into strips. Garnish with those, cheddar & sour cream

2 c flour
1/4 t soda
1 t baking powder
1 t salt
6 T lard (or shortening)
3/4 c buttermilk

sift dry ingredients together. cut in lard, then add in milk. dough should be soft, if it is too sticky add a little more flour. Roll into a ball and chill for 20 minutes. Roll out into 1/2 inch thickness. cut with circle cutter. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 450 (until very lightly browned)
brush with melted butter.+

These should keep you busy for awhile!!! Enjoy

ants in my pants

again, I cannot sleep. Last night was better since I fell asleep at 10:30 though. We had a fun day playing outside yesterday...the girls were at a friends house so it was a bit quieter than usual.
We made a job chart, and I am going to make one of these

since someone in our ward is giving me a dry erase board, it never seems to make it on my list. I think we will make some cornice boards for Jake and Sam's room today, since Chris cleaned their room so well yesterday, cleaning the walls, carpet, mattress, we washed the curtains...but they shrank a teeny bit. They still look fine. I like when he feels the need to do a deep cleaning. I do need to clean the bathtub.

This is boring talk, maybe I wish everyone would wake up. I should probably enjoy these quiet moments while I can, but I cannot I just feel so antsy.

Friday, October 10, 2008

because I have nothing better to do...

Here are my ABC's...A. Attached or Single? attached!

B. Best Friend? Chris, Penny, Carol

C. Cake or Pie? cheesecake, it is kind of both

D. Day of choice? Wednesday

E. Essential Item? mascara & lotion

F. Favorite Color ? pink (but not for decorating)

G. Gummy Bears or Worms? Haribo Gold Bears

H. Hometown? born in Gulfport MS, but moved all over

I. Indulgence? smoked gouda & tuscan garlic bread from Wegmans & ice cream

J. January or July? January

K. Kids? almost 6, 3 of each

L. Life is not complete without? fun

M. Marriage Date? Dec 30, 1996

N. Number of brothers & sisters? 2 sisters, 3 brothers

O. Oranges or Apples? cannot decide, love a big orange and apples, but just granny smith of pink lady

P. Phobias? scared of rodents

Q. Quotes? The secret to having it all, is believing that you do

R. Reasons to Smile? too many to choose, funny kids, husband came home, clean sheets

S. Season of Choice? Fall!!
T. Tag some Peeps! whoever

U. Unknown Fact about Me? I really love to sing in the shower

V. Vegetable Favorite? corn on the cob, fresh green beans, carrots

W. Worst Habits? staying up too late

X. X-Ray or Ultrasound? ultrasound I guess

Y. Your Favorite Food? today it is popcorn that Chris makes on the stove with jsut the right amount of butter and salt, and a gingerale to go with it and still red licorice & a sub from Wegmans, I had my pineapple so that craving is gone

Z. Zodiac Sign? Libra

so nobody is awake yet and I have wasted 2 1/2 hours on the computer browsing birthday party ideas for this week, baby girl clothes, & recipes. and I am still not ready to sleep :(

5am nonsense

I cannot sleep anymore...I cannot relax & have to go to the bathroom every few minutes it seems, maybe this happens so we can get used to waking up all the time with a newborn. I am so tired though!! This is only the second night of this nonsense so maybe tonight will be better.

Nice surprise, last night someone left a bag of happys for all my kids and the new baby. I do not know who it was, but it was wonderful. The kids will be so excited to see them this morning. Now we will need to go and surprise somebody with some goodies.

And last week I received a beautiful quilt from the best quilt maker I know. It is darling with happy colors bright pink and green. I love it and again it was a surprise, so even better!!

Chris is home!!! Sam made sure to take his suitcase with him to the airport, and was a little sad he was not getting on a plane, but happy to see dad!! As I circled around the airport b/c I could not stop and wait I thought he might have a nervous breakdown with the thought of leaving daddy. We are so happy he is home, and now are in "talks" about where we might be moving.

RIght now I am finishing up some laundry, its bed linen is leftover from yesterday since I got tired after about 7 loads of other stuff. I think today we will steam clean the carpet, since it is only the three bedrooms with carpet it will not take long. The girls & Jakob have a playdate and then Chris is taking the kids on a bikeride. Oh, a bike another thing I want for my birthday. When we were in FL this summer I so enjoyed riding the bikes, I remember riding bikes with my friend when I was little, and then I would come home & eat and then you'd go right back out and play some more. I wish my kids had some friends around here, but we live on a street with more mature folks. Good thing they can play with one another.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

it's time

I have hit my limit, Chris, please hurry home!!

Monday, October 6, 2008


just now I put all the kids that fell asleep on the way home from the grocery store (including Emma who is a bit under the weather....yes, I had to take her out with me because we needed sick girl supplies). What I am hearing is Sam strumming on Jakob's guitar and Nolan in the next room singing to the "music".

guest blogger

looks like I've got a guest blogger this week, yes Chris you are the best ever!!!

Chris the Great

For the record, my husband is a wonderful man!
He is always so thoughtful and caring to my needs. Each day I am suprised as to the lengths he takes to ensure my happiness.
No, honey you do not have to get me that really expensive camera.
Just having you tell me you love me will be the best present a girl could ever have!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

yet another something I really want

I am just about to go crazy if I do not get some pineapple!! I have been craving it for 2 days!! I love fresh, but cannot stand pineapple upside down cake and think the canned stuff tastes like metal. Also some red grapes and yummy fruit dip...1 8 0z cream cheese& I think 2 cups confectioners sugar and a bit of vanilla and some milk. Mix it with an electric mixer and it is fabulous. (that is from my MIL)
here is a tasty cheese ball that is so easy (from mom)
8 oz softened cream cheese
16 oz shredded cheddar (get the pre packaged fat stuff, not the finely shredded)
bunch of chopped scallions
mix it all and form into a ball and refrigerate a bit before serving
we made individual "apples", you know roll in paprika and top with cinnamon stick (those were hard to cut) or an apple stem and bay leaf cut or whatever. anyway I made those the first week of school for an after school snack, my kids love them
We had potato soup for dinner tonight. My kids love it and it is a recipe I can adapt for Sam. I will post that later. I hear the kids getting restless, Sam slept from 2-5:30 so another long night ahead!!! :)
Chris is in Tupelo for his second interview. Thank you to Peter & Heather for their hospitality in S.Carolina...I know he had a good time with the Wii.

another day

I REALLY REALLy hope that this is what I get for my birthday this year (this message is for my sweet Chris!) who informed me that this camera was too much money, but it would make me so happy and perhaps I would not be inclined to nag if I got this...just a thought.

Anna was gone all day yesterday at her friends house, until 8pm I thought that was too long. (it was a bday sleepover and all the girls went to some horse show at the Giant Center)She has known here friend A since third grade. At back to school night then we met her parents, Chris had given A's mom an epidural that summer. In third grade Anna and A did not really get along, there was cliquey nonsense that year. She was again in her class in 4th grade and over the summer A invited Anna over to play on occasion, but last year Anna went to lots of fun things with A's family (A's mom is a VP at Hershey Foods) and they have a box at the Giant Center. A is in Anna's class again this year, which is crazy b/c at Hershey schools there are about 12-14 classes per grade and you are lucky to get one person you know from year to year. Anyway so A gave Anna a list of things she might want for her birthday, but I got her a Claires giftcard. When Anna came home last night she tells me that A just left that sorry old giftcard on a table and took all her other gifts upstairs and didn't even tell her thank you (I have a real issue with no thank yous and no thank you cards, just impolite). A lives a different lifestyle than us, she has a nanny, they are wealthy, her parents are very nice people though. Apparently A got another giftcard from Aeropostale and that would have been more appropriate I am informed??!! Anna loves Claires, or loved. I wish that we girls did not have to worry so much about what people thought of us or trying so hard to impress others. I remember having to have my Swatch watch, Coca-Cola shirt, guess acid washed jeans with side zippers, and hightop reeboks with silver trim. It is no different now, part of me wants my girls not to care about those things, but another part wants them to feel like they fit in as well. Not necessarily with fit in with "those" girls but fit in with friends that like them for who they are, so they do not have to try to be something they are not and well I could go on and on about this.

The kids had a fun day of baking and playing outside yesterday. We will watch conference today, but I will still let them play outside this evening because it is so nice and sunny and it tires them out.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


when I left Erie (3+yrs ago) I bought a ton of albums & paper from my Creative Memories friend because she let me get it at cost. Since then I have done ZERO scrapbooking...Anna's is about to age 6, Emma maybe 4, and Jakob is still an infant. That is right Sam nor Nolan even have a scrapbook started. I do have some printed pictures all organized that I could do, but choose not to. And then there are the hundreds of pictures on this computer and then the hundreds on our old computer that we are too lazy to take to the computer placeto get them off, then we would have to print the thousands of pictures, then organize them. I would then need to get caught up on all the albums...5 yrs for Anna, 4 for Emma, 6 for Jakob, 3 for Sam, 1.5 for Nollie, and then the new baby as well as any family vacations and such. So I went on the creative memories site and saw that the old albums are being discontinued b/c they now have a "true" 12x12??? what if I don't have enough paper to do all the pictures I have???
Oh who am I kidding I will just tolerate the complaints from my children that I didn't love them enough to finish their books, kind of like I give my mom a hard time for the 3 pictures and half finished baby book she has for I understand!


This morning all is quiet...everyone is sleeping in even Sam. He did pretty good and fell asleep at 10pm last night, he woke up aout 3am and got in bed with me, it is kind of gross b/c he takes off his socks to itch and leaves dry skin flakes everywhere. We will need to go back to the sleepers. Anna went to a sleepover birthday party so last night Emma & Jakob played so nicely together (if one of the older three is away the leftofters get along so nicely?) and watched Wizards of Waverly Place online, since we do not have cable. My kids wish we had cable and more than a 19 inch television, we will get a bigger TV but do not want cable.
Yesterday I got 50 cents off my fill up from Giant, I have not filled up the van in a while completely b/c it makes me crazy...about $80 in the summer. When we bought it almost 7 yrs ago it was about $27 to fill up the tank.
Yesterday was a good day, so I am happy today. We are making oatmeal, sugar, & pumpkin cookies and maybe I will clean up...but maybe not.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

6 days to go...

no not until my baby, until sweet Chris comes home. ONly one day gone, absence really does make the heart grow fonder. The kids were pretty well behaved and dinners will be easier as tonight we had easy quesidillas. I went to drop Emma off at ballet, this was her first week but classes started the beginning of Sep, so she was nervous to walk into the class with big fifth and sixth graders. She is already on the smaller side, but compared to those girls she looks pretty teeny. I was happy she moved up a level (Ireally have no clue about ballet) and she feels happy to be in there with the big girls. Anna enjoyed tap, but had a small meltdown on the way home b/c she doesn't know all the steps they were doing...I am sure she will do fine. We are just finishing cleaning the playroom and going through the books to purge stuff. I don't think the kids can complain b/c I am even letting them stay up late!!!
My SIL Angela who is due the 23rd (now the day before me) lucky lady gets to have her baby early...I do not know how to do little hiss cat sounds for the computer or that is what you might be hearing as I have issues with ALL people who have early babies especially those who are so not nice about it. Not you Angela, you deserve it as I know you are ready and excited and it is your very first baby.
I have only gone really late with the last two

Anna was only 2 days, and 13 hrs labor 8lbs 8 0z
Emma (okay I was induced 2 weeks early so I cannot really complain) and 7 hr labor 6lbs 14oz
Jakob 6 days, and 2 1/2 hours labor 7lbs 11 0z
Sam 9 days late, and 1 1/2 hr labor 8lbs 10oz
Nollie 9 days late, and I think he was about a 3 hr labor 8lbs 12oz

I really do not want this baby to be born on Halloween or the 30th b/c that is trick or treating night here in Hershey and it is fabulous!!! I like halloween a lot just not for a birthday
Emma is having a Halloween Birthday party this year on the 17th (yes her bday was over a month ago however the excuse this year is that she needed to get some friends to invite and having her bday right when school starts, you get it.
I am now thinking this is like my new journal and I could go on and on about nothing nonsense but for now without Chris home to wake me up in the morning we all best get some shuteye.
Good Luck on your interview tomorrow Chris.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

few more things

just a friendly reminder that there are now 15 shopping days left until my Big day, a big one this year, not a decade birthday but still 35, yikes!!! We have narrowed our name choices...these are what I would like and since I fill out the birth certificate everytime, well anyway
Either Amelia Claire (Chris likes it with Magnolia but I think that is too much) or Caroline Magnolia. I will be needing some additional comfort for the next week as Chris leaves tomorrow and perhaps a call to see if my children are okay ;) until he comes back you can expect an unexpectedly high volume (you can tell I have been waiting on hold a lot today b/c that is on hold language) of rants, perhaps some raves because sometimes I am more patient when Chris is not around, like if I know he will not be around I know I need (to try) to keep it together, but if he is no where to be found and like 3 hours later than I thought he should have arrived, well watch out!


Sam has had some sleeping issues the last few weeks (well what is 52 times 3??) staying up till about 12pm, sometimes sleeping in but usually up at 6 or 7am he may fall asleep at 3pm which we all know is TOO late for a nap so the vicious cycle, but he still looks cute. and he is still asleep since 11am.
I couldn't get out the camera quick enough as we drove home from the park Nollie put his boots on his hands and it was funny, but I missed it. I think he needs some help with his camera smile!

again with that "smile", he is really into feeding himself lately

Sunday Best

Can you feel the love???

Autumn Day at the Masonic Home, here is Jake feeding Cindy the cow. That extra kid is not ours, but she is in almost every shot on the camera :( Sam LOVED feeding the cows especially the baby.
More Autum Day, which is really a day to go and get free food, oh there are games for the kids & other things, but that is not really why we go. is that white trashish??!!

Our morning visitors!!!
Our Mardi Gras mask, celebrating a few months early!

Pretty rainbow, this picture really doesn't need a caption I am sure most people know this is a rainbow. When the clouds moved we saw the entire arch and it was beautiful.
Just random pictures from September that I finally took off the camera...not a very eventful month with exciting things, but always busy with school starting and stuff. The girls begin dance tomorrow night, Jakob gymnastics next week and then he is doing basketball in November, which of course gets Chris very excited that it is not dance or singing and he loves basketball himself!

on hold

as I am waiting on hold to get an appt scheduled...all sorts of Med ctr chatter, egg donation??? who knew? I got an appt on the 16th of October, thanks for working me in!! On a happy note as I rused to JC Penney to exchange a shirt for Chris for his big trip, well I couldn't find the exact one but got a more expensive one for the same price and then Nolan AND Sam fell asleep on the way home and are taking a nap, now I will go join them :)


is seems to me that I have been a bit to negative lately with these posts, which I use as I way to vent I suppose...I am just extra crabby when I am pregnant, but more so these last few weeks. I think I may need some more sleep! I was angry when I went to my OB check up on Monday night and they moved my due date 2 days, only 2 days for me it seemed like an eternity. Then on check out they informed me there were no appointments next week? What no appointments??? we will have to call you tomorrow and try to fit you in, gee thanks. I did not get my call yesterday. It is just like what happened at the end with Nolan, and I end up seeing some resident who just wants me to get induced....I prefer to see the midwife( I saw here almost the entire time with Sam, well the second half of the pregnancy after we moved and that took 2 months to get an appointment for me) because I believe her stripping the membranes every week got me to go into labor on my own, and while it hurts my labor was about an hour and a half having Sam barely 20 minutes after I got to the hospital. I have been induced the other four times and it hurts a lot worse with the pitocin, really bad with Jakob because I had no epidural...his labor was about 2 1/2 hours I had a midwife with him too and really like them better than a doctor.
So adding those TWO days sent me over the edge, and now I am trying to get over it and hope I am polite when they OB office calls unlike my rude comment to the Wal*Mart pharmacy I made yesterday.