I REALLY REALLy hope that this is what I get for my birthday this year (this message is for my sweet Chris!) who informed me that this camera was too much money, but it would make me so happy and perhaps I would not be inclined to nag if I got this...just a thought.
Anna was gone all day yesterday at her friends house, until 8pm I thought that was too long. (it was a bday sleepover and all the girls went to some horse show at the Giant Center)She has known here friend A since third grade. At back to school night then we met her parents, Chris had given A's mom an epidural that summer. In third grade Anna and A did not really get along, there was cliquey nonsense that year. She was again in her class in 4th grade and over the summer A invited Anna over to play on occasion, but last year Anna went to lots of fun things with A's family (A's mom is a VP at Hershey Foods) and they have a box at the Giant Center. A is in Anna's class again this year, which is crazy b/c at Hershey schools there are about 12-14 classes per grade and you are lucky to get one person you know from year to year. Anyway so A gave Anna a list of things she might want for her birthday, but I got her a Claires giftcard. When Anna came home last night she tells me that A just left that sorry old giftcard on a table and took all her other gifts upstairs and didn't even tell her thank you (I have a real issue with no thank yous and no thank you cards, just impolite). A lives a different lifestyle than us, she has a nanny, they are wealthy, her parents are very nice people though. Apparently A got another giftcard from Aeropostale and that would have been more appropriate I am informed??!! Anna loves Claires, or loved. I wish that we girls did not have to worry so much about what people thought of us or trying so hard to impress others. I remember having to have my Swatch watch, Coca-Cola shirt, guess acid washed jeans with side zippers, and hightop reeboks with silver trim. It is no different now, part of me wants my girls not to care about those things, but another part wants them to feel like they fit in as well. Not necessarily with fit in with "those" girls but fit in with friends that like them for who they are, so they do not have to try to be something they are not and well I could go on and on about this.
The kids had a fun day of baking and playing outside yesterday. We will watch conference today, but I will still let them play outside this evening because it is so nice and sunny and it tires them out.
I wished we lived close - because I know exactly how you fee. Breana, my oldest is 12. For the longest time she didn't care what she wore and what she looked like and I would complain to tucker, I wish she would put a little effort into her appearance. Tucker would say don't push it, it will come soon enough. Luckily, right now she is starting to care about what her hair looks like, but she has not gotten into name brands yet. It is so hard sometimes to stick to what you have set for your children when your heart is being tugged at to do things to help them fit in better. While we don't really care if they fit in with certain kids or not, we don't want them to feel so different and out of place from everyone else. It can be hard sometimes to find and keep that balance. Breana is in 7th grade and there is only one other mormon kid in her grade and he is in different classes, they don't even see each other. They have know each other since they were in nursery though. I wish she was surrounded by more kids from church. And by the way, you tell Chris I think you should get your camera for your birthday - you NEED it! LOL!
I will have Kara give Chris a little note. She has the Canon version of that Nikon that she uses as her business camera. I think you need one and deserve one!
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