a great new roll recipe, SO easy and very tasty!!


Emma loving her baby sister in a non jealous moment

Maggie enjoying her thanksgiving day!
We had a nice turkey day full of bike rides, outdoor play, and cooking and cleaning!! Sam was nervous about "the bird" as Chris referred to it...didn't want to look at it, or eat it, nor did he care for Anna's homemade cranberry sauce as he spooned it back into the serving bowl while nobody was watching. During the day this funny thing happened:
Jakob asked me as he was holding Maggie "Do you think she is going to be a boy when she grows up?"
Me: What??
Jakob: well I think she will because she looks like one
almost as funny as the new Walmart commercial about all the check out lanes being opened during the holidays as the store is portrayed all nice and cheery with happy workers.
Magnolia is beautiful! Hope you had a happy Thanksgibing-we are going to celebrate Cants bday on Mon but honestly 4 birhtday plus thanks & Christmas within three weeks is ALOT!
It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! Those rolls do look yummmmmyyy. I will have to try the recipe
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