"without words, without writing, and without books there would be no history, there could be no concept of humanity." -Hermann Hesse
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
pretty funny baby namer,we did not use it. As I mentioned I like more traditional names. All of our names come from our southern family tree including Morgan, Riley (not to be confused with Rylee the now popular girl's name) and Magnolia.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
customer relations
I have six kids, they all have clothing issues. Let me start by thanking you for finally taking the tags out of underpants. They have given us so many issues in the past, being all itchy, in the way, etc. just one less thing to stress about.
I wish some other companies could start making underwear like Hanna Andersson, no elastic...my second child (she has the majority of the clothing issues) see these are the only unders she will wear and she has tried on MANY pairs in her short lifetime. The problem is, they are very pricey! I can only buy them when they go on sale and that does not happen often. She has been wearing the ones she has since first grade and now she is finishing her third grade year. She also needs a bigger size, I really do not want to pay over $6 for one pair of underpants! Please I need a less expensive alternative.
The reason I am really writing this is because my three-year old, well, he has a new issue one the others have not. I went to put on his TransFormer unders the other day and he turned around as if he was trying to back into them. I asked what he was doing and kept trying to put them on him the right way. No! No! he was adamant that the BumbleBee TransFormer be on the front not on his bottom. He cannot see any of the neat characters, Lightning McQueen, Diego, Mater. He wants them in the front and so we have been putting his unders on backwards lately to make him happy (see he will not get his parent "eyes in the back of your head" until he has outgrown these types of undergarments). Putting unders on backwards seems very uncomfortable for him. He is always shifting, and tugging, and frankly he does so many other embarrassing things we do not need another.
So please would you start printing some cool characters on the front of the underpants, no trucks, cars, bugs, or generic all over prints are not good enough either. It needs to be in the front, very large so my little guy can see it.
Thanks so much!
(I'd enclose a picture but that may be breaking some kind of laws)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
knowing good and well you are totally messing things up.
There is a good reason why I don't cut hair, just ask my kids that is IF they ever leave the house again!!
and on silly decisions, WHY do I keep buying popsicles after saying never again when Sam and Nolan try to eat the entire box in one day, usually not finishing eat one just leaving it on the floor to melt and make a mess.
because here my opinion matters

I love a great smelling baby, and still love the pink baby powder smell lotion, but we are loving this new method line. You can get it at Target...and was surprised to see them carrying Bumble and Bumble products there as well (not the curl line though). Still have you seen those commercials maybe it is Paul Mitchell saying they cannot guarantee those products unless bought at a salon?? I think they are probably the same product though so I will take the chance and save some cash!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
the kind of screaming fits, where strangers find in their obligation to say something, or stare.
It is even better when someone you know sees it.
been a fun day
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the number of moments that take your breath away." -card maker
"In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: it goes on! -Robert Frost
I totally took these off a friends facebook page but thought they were great
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
pigs in the trees

Fry about 6-8 slices of bacon (we prefer Hormel Black Label) and then cut them up, reserve about 2 Tbsp of the fat in the pan.
Sautee 1 lg head of broccoli into florets and 2-3 garlic cloves (pressed) until tender.
Add 8 0z. cooked pasta...rotini, penne, whatever you want
then some grated mozzerella and the bacon and stir on low heat until the cheese is melted and well distributed. Add some salt & pepper a little parmesan cheese, maybe a bit of olive oil if you want.
stop calling me old lady

and your slightly creepy "babies" the chickens.

that you made our yucky rotten bathroom so nice, I guess I should have added a picture of that.
that you love to cook.
I really liked that you gave me a nice kitchen to replace, well words cannot describe how gross it was before.
your love of power tools and taking down those two huge trees that were bigger than our house.

that you feel comfortable in pink trunks

that you love your girls

when I wonder why all men that are don't love girls LOVE you, including our neighbor (whose puppies Tulip and Cosmo even love you) I look at this picture and I wonder more....remember when you thought it was funny to send a picture on the cell phone of me while I was in labor and it was not a pretty one. HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
just call him Martha
Chris has worn glasses I think since he was in third grade...I don't know why this is blue or underlined but I will fix it in a minute, and when I posted this it was orange???. I don't know when he got contacts but has worn them for quite a while. He usually only wears his glasses at night, the ones he has are kind of old and so is the prescription. Chris keeps them in the nightstand drawer so they are safe. Nolan figured out how to climb off the bed and found a new toy, first he broke one arm off, then the other. Chris tried to just set them on his nose but that was not working, and please we don't even have cable so a new pair of glasses?? The kids left their craft stuff out a few weeks ago or longer, and when Chris walked in the room wearing these...

I am all about people matching here so Emma even made a pair for little Maggie!!

I thought this was so sweet, no better friend than a sister

We did take everyone for their yearly eye appt last week, Chris will be getting his new glasses. Emma still in bifocals but I really like the frame she picked out. I had a difficult time not bossing that decision for her and Anna, but they have to wear them so I let it go. Hopefully they will be ready soon.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Happy Day
Oh NO, Emma is beginning to get a little bit SaSSy, hopefully I can keep my good mood so the MEAN MOMMY personality does not take over.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
King Cake
2 pkg. yeast
1/2 c. plus 1 tsp sugar
3 1/2 to 4 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp salt
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp lemon zest
1/2 c warm milk
5 egg yolks, slightly beaten
1 stick butter at room temp sliced
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 beaten egg mixed with 1 Tbsp milk
Place the yeast and sugar into the warm water, let set for three minutes. Then mix it together and let set for ten minutes until all bubbly.
Sift 3 1/2 cups flour, sugar, salt, and nutmeg into a large bowl. Stir in the lemon zest. Stir the yolks into the flour mixture with a wooden spoon. Slowly combine the yeast mixture into the flour mixture. Beat in a mixer or food processor for two minutes, adding the butter one slice at a time until it forms a soft ball.
Knead the dough, adding one Tbsp of flour at a time ( I used all the flour plus some more) until no longer sticky. Then knead by hand for ten minutes. Butter the bowl and dough and let set for 1 1/2 hours covered.
Sprinkle the top of the dough with the cinnamon before you punch it down, then knead it to work the cinnamon throughout the dough. Make two "snakes" out of the dough and twist them together and then form into a circle. Set aside for 45 minutes.
Brush with the egg wash and bake at 375 for 25-35 minutes.
For the icing combine 3 c. confectioners sugar with a scant 1/4 c. lemon juice and if needs be a bit of milk till good consistency. Sprinkle with colored sugars.
Monday, March 2, 2009
please you need not play the video because it is only the king cake, but I was so pleased with it, I will add the recipe later. It was tasty even without being filled, I don't know how to do that yet. and at that time could not get my camera to work unless it was taking videos. next year we will be closer to getting some great ones, because we are moving to hattiesburg MS.
I am excited to get a new house that fits everyone comfortably!! lots of members, and we know people and close to family. not crazy about the heat but good thing there is AC and pools. I really do love the seasons and will miss the foilage!!
I will miss living here, miss the smell of chocolate, no tax on clothing & groceries,the cute little town with the benefit of being close to so many great places to visit . Since I have always moved around I am not sure if I will get used to the idea of living in one place for the rest of my life, but I think it will be alright. so lily since I am moving to the south I will need to relinquish my nickname since the EAst Coast love distributor doesn't fit anymore, well since I've been married for more than twelve years I guess it hasn't worked for awhile now either. Though Chris does call Nolan the milkman's child!
oh no, here is Nolan with no diaper on and a pack of bacon. I'd better get back to my job!!
Happy Birthday

These are the youngest pictures I have on this computer ( I will spare our computer issues this post) she is about 5 or 6.