I cannot believe this little lady is ELEVEN!!! How lucky I am to have such a wonderful daughter. She is such the drama queen, but since she is such a big helper and great person we try to overlook it. Seriously she is a hard worker, she is talented in so many ways and a good friend.
These are the youngest pictures I have on this computer ( I will spare our computer issues this post) she is about 5 or 6.

TOday we woke up to a great little snow fall, pretty windy. I couldn't believe there was no delay as our school district has been quick to do so in the past.

Here our the cupcakes she decorated for her class treat

Chris took Anna out Saturday for some shopping and a haircut, he suggested she get highlights (though apparently she had forgotten that I said she was too young) He was a bit surprised by the bill, but she deserved some pampering.
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