I do love to shop, especially for little kids clothes!! While we have been financially challenged for the entire time we have been married it has been hard not to do it as much as I would like. Luckily I have a very generous sister in law that has given us A Lot of very nice things for my children over the years...and nice grandparents. When I found out Maggie was going to be a girl I went a little crazy!! more than a little, she has so much even things that have not been worn, over 75 bows/headbands (I made most of these though). I have even given a ton of stuff away and I still have a huge rubbermaid tote of stuff she has outgrown that I am hording for who knows what. I cannot bear to give them away, not just because of the money that may have been spent on some things but I just cannot let it go. and on the money thing as I go to these yard sales and see some of the stuff people sell I think I sure could have made some great money on some of the stuff I have given away...but am way too lazy to do that. Plus since I have been given so much I really like to give stuff to people. It makes me happy. I try not to go shopping especially to Gymboree. I have a love hate relationship with that store. I do not love the boy clothes except for the holidays because I like the matchy factor. My big girls really will not really wear gymboree anymore (we did get some great jackets and the yellow raincoat that Emma does love and the were only $1.99 and my mom bought it all so even better) so it just leaves Maggie to shop for. I do love their little hats but there is so much and you get one thing and then another to match that and then they are Constantly coming out with a new "line". I do not like that it seems EVERYone has the same stuff and it is kind of oh I got this at Gymboree. While I used to think it was great quality the outlet stuff not so wonderful and might be as fall apart prone as to The Childrens PLace has become.
whatever clot
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