right after I put this up I am thinking MISTAKE, it looked happy when it was a small thumbnail but I don't know how to delete it and there are too many I just put up so just move on...
the little lady was trying to escape so we had to lower her mattress,

photo shoot after her day on set at the Gladiator

pay back Sammy Lewis!

just a boy and his baby boy horse, Bruno and his new chaps his daddy brought him. I did get that horse at a yard sale with a buzz lightyear for ONE dollar! I never went to yard sales until I moved here and do enjoy them. I do not hold yard sales because I feel weird about asking people to give me money for my old stuff. I prefer to give it away. I do not have a problem going to them and using USed stuff though?

my brother JOhn with Moo, it was GREAT having him here. My kids LOVED him, he played with them and I got so much done with him entertaining the crazies! yes he is nice and tan and I am white like a ghost, too bad I cannot put up the pic of my other brother Peter (over 6 feet and blonde) b/c my sis Jessica is in it and she doesn't like when people post photos of her. we all look a lot different

sam talking to his ladies

I sure had to wash the sheets after these monsters were eating in my bed UNDER the covers! I have an issue with clean sheets and need a shower before I go to bed so everything is tidy. I wish some person I share a bed with would adopt this habit or atleast wash their feet.

last day of school, emma's class had crazy hair day

she keeps climbing into everything and getting stuck

stuck under the crib, was glad that when I went to get her out I did not find anything that made me frown like chewed up gum I keep finding in other places!

trying to hide from me, she still doesn't like me taking her pictures

here are my kids with Sean, Alexis, and Haley (my nieces and nephew) at Chocolate World, it was so nice having them around for the wknd because the two monsters loved them and I did not have to chase N & S all around. and they are really great nice kids too. My neice Alexis graduated from High school a few days later down in MD. I graduated high school the year she was born, that makes me feel old (but not as old as if she were my own kid;)

here are some cute cupcakes that the ladies made for one of the end of the year parties, I signed up for a bunch near the end of the year because I thought (but not enough) better than the winter when Maggie was a newborn. it was a busy few weeks.

looks like Maggie Moo is enjoying some cupcake, I wonder who gave it to her???

no surprise, he is such a great sharer!

here is Jake at his end of the year Cocoa Cafe poetry reading, if I hadn't packed them up I'd put up his poems. First graders write really cute ones, they were pretty funny.
since Emma and Sam are outside in their winter coats playing with the hose and Anna is busy making some snickerdoodles i will post some pictures, this was supposed to be at the top of the post.... and now the chaos because I cannot ignore my kids for this long with out possible blood loss.
When did John get so dark?
maybe his new kidney came from an African-American. OR his gray/white beard makes his skin look darker, really b/c his dad has some ethnic blood with more melanin than I have. he has always been tan, I think you just saw him in the winter?
Who's the hot mama with the black shirt. Total cougar material!!!
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