so here the kids are posing in front of the moving truck, it was a LONG trip
since we drove straight through (yes we are crazy, but I did not want to get out of the car and get back in the next day) we unpacked the next morning and are feeling settled in. Although I miss the moderate weather, it has not been unbearable...and the fact that people are SO much kinder here and welcoming I wish I would have moved here sooner. The big kids are at
GMAS this
wknd so even more perks!

Sam trying to lock Henry Nolan in the shower, notice his Chocolate Cocoa Buzz
light year utility belt/
embroidery hoop. Since we get No stations here, we have had to be extra creative at playtime, and the fact that I gave/threw away most of their toys.
I am glad people are nice there. Hope you are having fun. take care and keep posting.
hooray for you all!! It's about time he gets a real job-what's he been doing for the last 12 years?
I am happy to hear that all went well with the move. Hang in there with selling the house-it will sell. And a huge plus now is that you don't have to clean it for showings-yipee!
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