sam started this throw up nonsense last week, Thursday with his moaning of an upset tummy. Friday night he was fine, and Sunday morning nobody else got sick so I thought we were good.
We went to Stake Conference, Chris got called into work so I stayed with the kids and they weren't horrible. I am glad we made it home for HN to start with the throwing up. Maggie got it in the middle of the night and then Jake and Emma Monday morning. A lot of laundry, but I didn't have to make any meals on Monday and we have so many leftovers from the wknd I think we will be good today. trying to see the positive. I do love some clean sheets and everyone has plenty of those.
Yesterday was great (aside from the vomiting) weather wise. Sam helped Chris plant our little garden. I am hoping we get a bumper crop. With no chicken fertilizer I am not sure if it will compare to our PA gardens. I look forward to canning this summer. We didn't have a garden last year, so we had no salsa, or tomatoes, or anything to enjoy in the fall/winter.
Today is gray and icky. It makes it easy to be lazy since the kids are home, (except J) and still feeling somewhat lethargic. I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday, and I need to go bc it helps me be somewhat calmer in the chaos.
So a seventy came to speak at Stk conf, his talk was really the only part of the mtg I heard. NOW vs MOST. He told a story of an 11 yr old boy who was diagnosed with leukemia. With 3 yrs of treatment, this form of cancer had a 90% cure rate. The little guy started with chemo and wanted to leave...he wanted to be a kid NOW, but of course what he wanted MOST was to be cured. Dieters want to loose weight MOST, but want to eat that cheesecake NOW!!! Apparently there were two more important words but I had to take some kids out so I missed that. I liked that and for now it will be my little catch phrase. I think it can applied to all sorts of situations in life.
In my life right now, it feels like limbo. We rent a home with the hopes of buying our own, but where? we are not finding anything that is "just right". I am not 100% sold on this area, for many reasons, being where we stay for a really long time. I do not like feeling unsettled. I am not at a stage in my life where spontaneity of big life issues is appealing to me. I try to simplify my life, not get involved in too much, but at the same time i feel like I distance myself from things/people and it is not fulfilling. well, this deep soul searching will have to take a place on the back burner as the kids are going crazy!!!