"without words, without writing, and without books there would be no history, there could be no concept of humanity." -Hermann Hesse
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
photos for my non facebook peeps

I would be so happy if we got a brand new computer, and I really want a MAC. Our's is possibly considered an antique by now. It can be aggravating uploading photos bc it can get slow.
Just because I am on the subject of being aggravated...we bought our car about 10 months ago and have had three flat tires, two being in the last month. I cannot even recall having one flat tire EVER. I am at home because last night the caution light stating a low tire pressure came on and so pathetic I do not know how to put air in the tire so I can go see if I can get a patch or another tire. When I went to get my oil changed a few months ago, the guy suggested I get the tires rotated. I said Ok, now I know I should have said no bc it wasn't needed.
They did not reset the computer or something bc the car says the wrong tires are low. It says the front but it is really the back one.
I am listening to Mary Poppins right now and that can certainly lift ones spirits. I am a big fan of musicals, especially old ones. Although what are the newer ones HSM, Camp Rock?? there was Chicago, but I didn't care for it. I guess if you count Broadway tunes, but those aren't movies are they so I can't count them.
Another concern right now is feeding my Maggie clothing addiction, or NOT. I have done better lately, but now with all the new fall stuff coming out it is hard. Really a shallow problem I know. I think instead of all the message boards/groups about buying children's clothing, there should be one for us who are trying NOt to buy so much.

Monday, August 2, 2010
The kids go back to school next Wednesday.
Yikes, I do not think I will ever feel like sending kids to school in August is normal.
After Labor Day would be better. Isn't that the end of summer??
Well, we are not ready. I am a procrastinator.
We do have all the uniforms, well almost the Land's End box is coming today.
All the public schools in this county are enforcing a uniform dress code. The kids are going to Sacred Heart this year so it doesn't really matter. It is easier than a broad public school code bc they have to wear certain plaids, shirts, etc. I like this because mornings at the Painter home can get very chaotic with picky about their clothing kids that I have.
No worries about what shoes to wear with that outfit or the right accessory.
I might even shed a tear of joy and gratitude bc the last few years we have had some bad mornings.
This past week, Chris and I did something out of the ordinary we actually followed through on a threat. Oh it has been going on for awhile now. A certain tween that is getting to sassy for her own good and not letting anyone into her domain. She was particularly being rude so we put her and Emma grace back to sharing a room. No more private attached bathroom, or big bed, or place to put all her stuff (really while I was going through the girl's STUFF, I am always in awe and wonder as to wear in the world they have gotten most of their treasures, it is like it multiplies). Maybe I have regretted the decision a bit because they are having the sister rifts...but also have been hanging out more so that is good.
Jake got Anna's old room and Maggie is in Jake's old room. Which I am happy about because nobody can go in and wake her up from her nap.
That night, the end of Anna's world, really she was crazy upset. We didn't let her go to one of her BFF's house. Finally following through on discipline. A sweet victory for the parents, maybe we will get a little more respect.
Something else we did was get that Netflix for Wii, well that will be ending bc the kids are zoned out watching all the back episodes of programs they could never watch because we never had cable and now that we do, it doesn't include DISNEY. I will be happy to get my own house bc you cannot really ignore that ginormous tv that replaced our 13 inch we've had for the duration of our marriage in the middle of the living room. Maybe if they didn't have it staring in their face they wouldn't want to watch it so much??
Sam starts preschool this year. He is ready, and so am I!
I got a new calling. No longer in Primary. I regret whining about being in Primary so long. Now I am the 4th Sunday RS teacher.
I despise speaking in public. This will be a challenge.
I want to buy a embroidery machine. any suggestions, now if I can find the funds for it!
Yikes, I do not think I will ever feel like sending kids to school in August is normal.
After Labor Day would be better. Isn't that the end of summer??
Well, we are not ready. I am a procrastinator.
We do have all the uniforms, well almost the Land's End box is coming today.
All the public schools in this county are enforcing a uniform dress code. The kids are going to Sacred Heart this year so it doesn't really matter. It is easier than a broad public school code bc they have to wear certain plaids, shirts, etc. I like this because mornings at the Painter home can get very chaotic with picky about their clothing kids that I have.
No worries about what shoes to wear with that outfit or the right accessory.
I might even shed a tear of joy and gratitude bc the last few years we have had some bad mornings.
This past week, Chris and I did something out of the ordinary we actually followed through on a threat. Oh it has been going on for awhile now. A certain tween that is getting to sassy for her own good and not letting anyone into her domain. She was particularly being rude so we put her and Emma grace back to sharing a room. No more private attached bathroom, or big bed, or place to put all her stuff (really while I was going through the girl's STUFF, I am always in awe and wonder as to wear in the world they have gotten most of their treasures, it is like it multiplies). Maybe I have regretted the decision a bit because they are having the sister rifts...but also have been hanging out more so that is good.
Jake got Anna's old room and Maggie is in Jake's old room. Which I am happy about because nobody can go in and wake her up from her nap.
That night, the end of Anna's world, really she was crazy upset. We didn't let her go to one of her BFF's house. Finally following through on discipline. A sweet victory for the parents, maybe we will get a little more respect.
Something else we did was get that Netflix for Wii, well that will be ending bc the kids are zoned out watching all the back episodes of programs they could never watch because we never had cable and now that we do, it doesn't include DISNEY. I will be happy to get my own house bc you cannot really ignore that ginormous tv that replaced our 13 inch we've had for the duration of our marriage in the middle of the living room. Maybe if they didn't have it staring in their face they wouldn't want to watch it so much??
Sam starts preschool this year. He is ready, and so am I!
I got a new calling. No longer in Primary. I regret whining about being in Primary so long. Now I am the 4th Sunday RS teacher.
I despise speaking in public. This will be a challenge.
I want to buy a embroidery machine. any suggestions, now if I can find the funds for it!
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