Wednesday, August 4, 2010

photos for my non facebook peeps

Here we are in Seaside FL and the kids are our beach house in Grayton Beach below.
I would be so happy if we got a brand new computer, and I really want a MAC. Our's is possibly considered an antique by now. It can be aggravating uploading photos bc it can get slow.
Just because I am on the subject of being aggravated...we bought our car about 10 months ago and have had three flat tires, two being in the last month. I cannot even recall having one flat tire EVER. I am at home because last night the caution light stating a low tire pressure came on and so pathetic I do not know how to put air in the tire so I can go see if I can get a patch or another tire. When I went to get my oil changed a few months ago, the guy suggested I get the tires rotated. I said Ok, now I know I should have said no bc it wasn't needed.
They did not reset the computer or something bc the car says the wrong tires are low. It says the front but it is really the back one.
I am listening to Mary Poppins right now and that can certainly lift ones spirits. I am a big fan of musicals, especially old ones. Although what are the newer ones HSM, Camp Rock?? there was Chicago, but I didn't care for it. I guess if you count Broadway tunes, but those aren't movies are they so I can't count them.

Another concern right now is feeding my Maggie clothing addiction, or NOT. I have done better lately, but now with all the new fall stuff coming out it is hard. Really a shallow problem I know. I think instead of all the message boards/groups about buying children's clothing, there should be one for us who are trying NOt to buy so much.

Maggie aka Imelda Marcos

kids decorating the break dancing cardboard

Jake's big day

sprinkler times, I would like a pool a bit more I think

aahhh! she cut off his curls. still a bit sad/bitter

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