yes it is about 2:15 in the a.m. and I am not asleep
I am moving in
TWo days so I was thinking about that
not looking forward to the drive,
but I am pretty much all packed up...just some odds and ends
I did a lame job at labeling the boxes though
so we will all be surprised when opening them
that could make for some extra FUN when getting our house organized
and I sometimes have a hard time sleeping when
CNP is out of town/on call
not sure how my parents moved around so much,
this one is making me tired
and stressed out'
YES people I am still talking about my house NOT selling
we are getting more interest because everything else has sold
including the charming home down the street
I think
realtors like to use the phrase "it is what it is" when referring to a multitude of things
I don't like it
I NEVER want to sell a house again
or not in "this economy" (in case you forgot I despise hearing that too)
if I could sell a house when we bought this one
that would be Fantastic!
however, I do not need to clean my house for showings and go someplace to entertain my kids anymore! today was the last one
I took the little ones to (close your eyes for this next part C)
the store Gabriel Bros. as usual I found some treasures
but when you buy stuff for six kids and yourself the total can get up there, even when bargain shopping
of course I struck out with Anna, she would like some more dresses. I bought two, she approved of one. so I will run over there in my next two days to return. I have to exchange her viola at the music store near by anyway.
I really do much better under pressure, a
procrastinator I am
but I produce great results that way.
I wish I weren't so
melancholy about leaving here
or not more excited about this next chapter of my life
THE chapter that I have been dying to get to for oh so long!
Chris has been a student since we got married
and we've always been looking to this MOMENT
and talked about when he is done
and what we would do
and how it would feel
I am just not sure how to wrap my head around all this, it is a bit surreal
huh, there are no fireworks
or a big parade
to mark this occasion like I feel it deserves
he is not even here, I wasn't around for his first day as a non peon resident
maybe after we get down there and get settled
gee, there I go again always looking ahead
why can't I live in the moment and Savor it
and enjoy my blessings
live each moment to the fullest
get the most from each moment, hour, day
nothing wrong with preparing & planning for the future
but if that is all I seem to do
then I don't know how to
BE in this moment in time (can you hear Whitney now??!!)
so tomorrow, nope today not just
figuratively either it is the morning, we will use our fancy china and linen napkins (aka fiesta ware and dishtowels)