"without words, without writing, and without books there would be no history, there could be no concept of humanity." -Hermann Hesse
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
photos for my non facebook peeps

I would be so happy if we got a brand new computer, and I really want a MAC. Our's is possibly considered an antique by now. It can be aggravating uploading photos bc it can get slow.
Just because I am on the subject of being aggravated...we bought our car about 10 months ago and have had three flat tires, two being in the last month. I cannot even recall having one flat tire EVER. I am at home because last night the caution light stating a low tire pressure came on and so pathetic I do not know how to put air in the tire so I can go see if I can get a patch or another tire. When I went to get my oil changed a few months ago, the guy suggested I get the tires rotated. I said Ok, now I know I should have said no bc it wasn't needed.
They did not reset the computer or something bc the car says the wrong tires are low. It says the front but it is really the back one.
I am listening to Mary Poppins right now and that can certainly lift ones spirits. I am a big fan of musicals, especially old ones. Although what are the newer ones HSM, Camp Rock?? there was Chicago, but I didn't care for it. I guess if you count Broadway tunes, but those aren't movies are they so I can't count them.
Another concern right now is feeding my Maggie clothing addiction, or NOT. I have done better lately, but now with all the new fall stuff coming out it is hard. Really a shallow problem I know. I think instead of all the message boards/groups about buying children's clothing, there should be one for us who are trying NOt to buy so much.

Monday, August 2, 2010
The kids go back to school next Wednesday.
Yikes, I do not think I will ever feel like sending kids to school in August is normal.
After Labor Day would be better. Isn't that the end of summer??
Well, we are not ready. I am a procrastinator.
We do have all the uniforms, well almost the Land's End box is coming today.
All the public schools in this county are enforcing a uniform dress code. The kids are going to Sacred Heart this year so it doesn't really matter. It is easier than a broad public school code bc they have to wear certain plaids, shirts, etc. I like this because mornings at the Painter home can get very chaotic with picky about their clothing kids that I have.
No worries about what shoes to wear with that outfit or the right accessory.
I might even shed a tear of joy and gratitude bc the last few years we have had some bad mornings.
This past week, Chris and I did something out of the ordinary we actually followed through on a threat. Oh it has been going on for awhile now. A certain tween that is getting to sassy for her own good and not letting anyone into her domain. She was particularly being rude so we put her and Emma grace back to sharing a room. No more private attached bathroom, or big bed, or place to put all her stuff (really while I was going through the girl's STUFF, I am always in awe and wonder as to wear in the world they have gotten most of their treasures, it is like it multiplies). Maybe I have regretted the decision a bit because they are having the sister rifts...but also have been hanging out more so that is good.
Jake got Anna's old room and Maggie is in Jake's old room. Which I am happy about because nobody can go in and wake her up from her nap.
That night, the end of Anna's world, really she was crazy upset. We didn't let her go to one of her BFF's house. Finally following through on discipline. A sweet victory for the parents, maybe we will get a little more respect.
Something else we did was get that Netflix for Wii, well that will be ending bc the kids are zoned out watching all the back episodes of programs they could never watch because we never had cable and now that we do, it doesn't include DISNEY. I will be happy to get my own house bc you cannot really ignore that ginormous tv that replaced our 13 inch we've had for the duration of our marriage in the middle of the living room. Maybe if they didn't have it staring in their face they wouldn't want to watch it so much??
Sam starts preschool this year. He is ready, and so am I!
I got a new calling. No longer in Primary. I regret whining about being in Primary so long. Now I am the 4th Sunday RS teacher.
I despise speaking in public. This will be a challenge.
I want to buy a embroidery machine. any suggestions, now if I can find the funds for it!
Yikes, I do not think I will ever feel like sending kids to school in August is normal.
After Labor Day would be better. Isn't that the end of summer??
Well, we are not ready. I am a procrastinator.
We do have all the uniforms, well almost the Land's End box is coming today.
All the public schools in this county are enforcing a uniform dress code. The kids are going to Sacred Heart this year so it doesn't really matter. It is easier than a broad public school code bc they have to wear certain plaids, shirts, etc. I like this because mornings at the Painter home can get very chaotic with picky about their clothing kids that I have.
No worries about what shoes to wear with that outfit or the right accessory.
I might even shed a tear of joy and gratitude bc the last few years we have had some bad mornings.
This past week, Chris and I did something out of the ordinary we actually followed through on a threat. Oh it has been going on for awhile now. A certain tween that is getting to sassy for her own good and not letting anyone into her domain. She was particularly being rude so we put her and Emma grace back to sharing a room. No more private attached bathroom, or big bed, or place to put all her stuff (really while I was going through the girl's STUFF, I am always in awe and wonder as to wear in the world they have gotten most of their treasures, it is like it multiplies). Maybe I have regretted the decision a bit because they are having the sister rifts...but also have been hanging out more so that is good.
Jake got Anna's old room and Maggie is in Jake's old room. Which I am happy about because nobody can go in and wake her up from her nap.
That night, the end of Anna's world, really she was crazy upset. We didn't let her go to one of her BFF's house. Finally following through on discipline. A sweet victory for the parents, maybe we will get a little more respect.
Something else we did was get that Netflix for Wii, well that will be ending bc the kids are zoned out watching all the back episodes of programs they could never watch because we never had cable and now that we do, it doesn't include DISNEY. I will be happy to get my own house bc you cannot really ignore that ginormous tv that replaced our 13 inch we've had for the duration of our marriage in the middle of the living room. Maybe if they didn't have it staring in their face they wouldn't want to watch it so much??
Sam starts preschool this year. He is ready, and so am I!
I got a new calling. No longer in Primary. I regret whining about being in Primary so long. Now I am the 4th Sunday RS teacher.
I despise speaking in public. This will be a challenge.
I want to buy a embroidery machine. any suggestions, now if I can find the funds for it!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
there are many times as a parent that we feel proud...the first steps, first words, good report cards, dance recitals, sporting events, etc.
and then there are those moments for me that warm my heart, not so much pride...but of a happy contentment. When my children are kind and helpful, when I watch them create, or dance around the house together, or play outside in the sprinkler being happy, when they do things that are difficult and come through the other side...
last night I got a text from a friend that was up a Girl's Camp,
"Anna bore a great and very emotional testimony, it was awesome."
that was an entire new feeling. I know there are NO guarantees in life, especially that your children will believe the things you do, or always make wise choices...however, in this moment I felt very pleased, absolutely wonderful. I truly love that girl.
and then there are those moments for me that warm my heart, not so much pride...but of a happy contentment. When my children are kind and helpful, when I watch them create, or dance around the house together, or play outside in the sprinkler being happy, when they do things that are difficult and come through the other side...
last night I got a text from a friend that was up a Girl's Camp,
"Anna bore a great and very emotional testimony, it was awesome."
that was an entire new feeling. I know there are NO guarantees in life, especially that your children will believe the things you do, or always make wise choices...however, in this moment I felt very pleased, absolutely wonderful. I truly love that girl.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
new favorite recipe

This dip is SO tasty. I don't know if Captain Rodney's is available everywhere, I'm sure online someplace. I had this at Chris' work party and we all LOVED it. I being new to the area, am probably the last to try it but if you havent had it...you need to make it right away.
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar
1 8 oz cream cheese, softened
3 scallions, chopped
6 Ritz crackers, crushed
8 slices bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled
1/2 cup Captain Rodney's Boucan Glaze
Mix the first 4 ingredients and place in a greased small casserole dish.
Top with crackers and bake at 350 for 15 minutes
Remove from oven and top with bacon and glaze, put in oven for a minute or
two more. Serve with Fritos scoops and/or crackers.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
This morning didn't start out any differently than any other morning. I was a little more tired because Nolan had been hacking up a lung during the night. I kept on my same thread bare yoga pants that really shouldn't be worn out in public, and junky top to take the kids to school.
We get in the car and the LOW FUEL light dings. Again as usual I ignore this because I never fill up because habits of cheapness...$80!! I wait for Chris to do it, but he is out of town.
I go pick up the kids up the road and off we go, watching Alvin & the Chipmunks, the Squeakuel.
We are almost to the school when the car starts acting weird and getting jerky...I pull over to the side of the road and cannot believe that I have a car load of kids, am dressed inappropriately for any company and i ran out of gas!!!! The kids are getting crazy and I am pretty embarrassed because as much as I always let the low fuel light go on, I have never run out of gas before.
I call our friend, and she sends her husband with some gas, only it isn't enough because we are bone dry. He takes the little kids to school, gets more gas and comes back. I feel really retarded about now. I get my sassy middle schooler to school (which we had left EXTRA early because she needed to be there early today) and I fill up my tank at the gas station on the way home.
Something I LOVE about here is I can call anyone I know and ask for gas, or black beans, brown paper bags, picking up my kids from school and i know that they will. Not begrudgingly, or expecting anything in return. They are just NICE!! I am sure I have been around nice people before, but have never felt like I could just call them out of the blue for a big favor (except for my BFF Carol from Hershey!)
For the next three days of school, I will try to go out dressed with some better clothes, but my hair will be crazy. I will NEVER let my low gas light come on without filling up. I promise kids! And thank you to my wonderful friends for helping me out!
We get in the car and the LOW FUEL light dings. Again as usual I ignore this because I never fill up because habits of cheapness...$80!! I wait for Chris to do it, but he is out of town.
I go pick up the kids up the road and off we go, watching Alvin & the Chipmunks, the Squeakuel.
We are almost to the school when the car starts acting weird and getting jerky...I pull over to the side of the road and cannot believe that I have a car load of kids, am dressed inappropriately for any company and i ran out of gas!!!! The kids are getting crazy and I am pretty embarrassed because as much as I always let the low fuel light go on, I have never run out of gas before.
I call our friend, and she sends her husband with some gas, only it isn't enough because we are bone dry. He takes the little kids to school, gets more gas and comes back. I feel really retarded about now. I get my sassy middle schooler to school (which we had left EXTRA early because she needed to be there early today) and I fill up my tank at the gas station on the way home.
Something I LOVE about here is I can call anyone I know and ask for gas, or black beans, brown paper bags, picking up my kids from school and i know that they will. Not begrudgingly, or expecting anything in return. They are just NICE!! I am sure I have been around nice people before, but have never felt like I could just call them out of the blue for a big favor (except for my BFF Carol from Hershey!)
For the next three days of school, I will try to go out dressed with some better clothes, but my hair will be crazy. I will NEVER let my low gas light come on without filling up. I promise kids! And thank you to my wonderful friends for helping me out!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Before I leave my children, I pretty much freak out and worry about their well being and my safety and conjure up all kinds of crazy "what if"" scenarios in my head.
but once I am away, it is so liberating! and now that I am back I am thinking I could have gone for a few extra days and I am really tired because we didnt sleep much because it was Vegas.
we went to KA and Phantom and they were enjoyable (although this is a Vegas Phantom, but still good) and ATE A LOT!!! I went off the N o sugar wagon on the night of day 2 with some frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity and then some Key Lime pie from Grand Lux cafe (I had about 3 in Chicago so much better this time) and could NOT turn down a piece of wedding cake. At the rehearsal dinner I ate about 2 loaves of garlic bread. I LOVE bread!!
I wish I didnt get off my plan bc I didnt feel great after eating that stuff and am having a hard time now that I am back.
I got my first mani pedi, what took me so long??! other than the fact I never really had extra $ for it. and a fabulous massage/ time at canyon ranch spa.
We rented a convertible but were unable to use it most of the time due to crazy wind and stuff. The weather was odd.
the boys were out with Chris last night canoeing and are cranky pants, and I am too and you know when the momma ain't happy...I need to help EG with her George Ohr project. I really wish there werent so many things due and activities at the end of the year. It should be more relaxing.
I need some motivating words to do more grocery shopping! I despise it, but my kids are apparently starving, or so they lament. why is this italics??? blah blah. I need a few days of sleep. I will be good then, or a nap?!
oh and if I forget before Sunday, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY !! to my mom and all you ladies!!
but once I am away, it is so liberating! and now that I am back I am thinking I could have gone for a few extra days and I am really tired because we didnt sleep much because it was Vegas.
we went to KA and Phantom and they were enjoyable (although this is a Vegas Phantom, but still good) and ATE A LOT!!! I went off the N o sugar wagon on the night of day 2 with some frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity and then some Key Lime pie from Grand Lux cafe (I had about 3 in Chicago so much better this time) and could NOT turn down a piece of wedding cake. At the rehearsal dinner I ate about 2 loaves of garlic bread. I LOVE bread!!
I wish I didnt get off my plan bc I didnt feel great after eating that stuff and am having a hard time now that I am back.
I got my first mani pedi, what took me so long??! other than the fact I never really had extra $ for it. and a fabulous massage/ time at canyon ranch spa.
We rented a convertible but were unable to use it most of the time due to crazy wind and stuff. The weather was odd.
the boys were out with Chris last night canoeing and are cranky pants, and I am too and you know when the momma ain't happy...I need to help EG with her George Ohr project. I really wish there werent so many things due and activities at the end of the year. It should be more relaxing.
I need some motivating words to do more grocery shopping! I despise it, but my kids are apparently starving, or so they lament. why is this italics??? blah blah. I need a few days of sleep. I will be good then, or a nap?!
oh and if I forget before Sunday, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY !! to my mom and all you ladies!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
my kids are sitting on the table eating pretzels and watching blue birds outside. They are making a mess, but they are making me laugh. Sam said he wanted to be a truck driver when he grows up. Jake used to aspire to be a Bus driver, but now it is a paleontologist. My head hurts every time it gets raining here, it bugs but it is manageable.
We are getting ready for our trip to LV next week, pretty excited. I want to see Phantom, I saw it almost 20 yrs ago in LA with my college roommates. I loved it. But then there is KA Cirque de Soliel, anyone seen it??
We are getting ready for our trip to LV next week, pretty excited. I want to see Phantom, I saw it almost 20 yrs ago in LA with my college roommates. I loved it. But then there is KA Cirque de Soliel, anyone seen it??
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I wonder if Maggie will have a fat complex because we call her "MOO" all the time
I wonder when it is time to step in when a child is having some trouble with friends
I wonder why I have been off sugar for almost 3 weeks, did a detox for three days, and lost 9 lbs that I think it is not enough. Why can't it just come off over night. and no I do not want to hear you didnt put it on over night. Kind of when I was pregnant with Anna I pretty much did gain it overnight. I am actually excited for results. and shamelessly bragging about my efforts. Please be excited for me, because it gives me validation.
Is putting my kids in private school next year the right answer?
Where is the perfect place (ok near) for our family?
Why does it have to get so HOT here????
I dont like rats and bugs or mosquitoes, and tornado terrify me? even though I have never had a close close encounter with any rats or tornadoes.
Why don't my kids get along all the time?
How come I don't know all the answers to my kids incessant questions and though I am college educated feel dumber than a box of rocks sometimes? and really "they" were right nobody cares about my GPA or degree, anyway my kids don't.
How come I have so much gray hair? When should one use GREY or GRAY?? I cannot believe I have not have a cut or color since December, yikes. It is frightening.
Should I feel guilty for driving a huge SUV since it is Earth Day?? I don't really. I do not cut dryer sheets up, don't cut my dishwasher soap, sometimes leave the water on while brushing my teeth, don't recycle those plastic bags and though I have tons of cute reusable ones find it a hassle to bring them to the store. I even throw away things I shouldnt. I don't make my kids use reusable snack bags or laptop lunch boxes. I am not really as green as I think I am.
WHy do you love your kids SO VERY MUCH when you see them asleep? almost enough to want to wake them up to cuddle...almost I know better than to wake a baby. When I had Anna the nurse insisted I did to feed. MISTAKE.
How can I get excited about cleaning the same floor, emptying the dishwasher more. I think there is some Camilla Spencer quote to that effect. Again I have trouble with effect as opposed to affect sometimes.
Why do I hate when people give me unsolicited advice so much? ESPECIALLY people with less kids. Maybe they do know something I could benefit from. I doubt it though. and where did that saying "Boy, You've got your hands full" come from. Or are you going to have more kids? What kind of birth control? really? annoying
well crazy Moo needs to be put in her jammies and then our last run to pick up big sister from dance.
I wonder when it is time to step in when a child is having some trouble with friends
I wonder why I have been off sugar for almost 3 weeks, did a detox for three days, and lost 9 lbs that I think it is not enough. Why can't it just come off over night. and no I do not want to hear you didnt put it on over night. Kind of when I was pregnant with Anna I pretty much did gain it overnight. I am actually excited for results. and shamelessly bragging about my efforts. Please be excited for me, because it gives me validation.
Is putting my kids in private school next year the right answer?
Where is the perfect place (ok near) for our family?
Why does it have to get so HOT here????
I dont like rats and bugs or mosquitoes, and tornado terrify me? even though I have never had a close close encounter with any rats or tornadoes.
Why don't my kids get along all the time?
How come I don't know all the answers to my kids incessant questions and though I am college educated feel dumber than a box of rocks sometimes? and really "they" were right nobody cares about my GPA or degree, anyway my kids don't.
How come I have so much gray hair? When should one use GREY or GRAY?? I cannot believe I have not have a cut or color since December, yikes. It is frightening.
Should I feel guilty for driving a huge SUV since it is Earth Day?? I don't really. I do not cut dryer sheets up, don't cut my dishwasher soap, sometimes leave the water on while brushing my teeth, don't recycle those plastic bags and though I have tons of cute reusable ones find it a hassle to bring them to the store. I even throw away things I shouldnt. I don't make my kids use reusable snack bags or laptop lunch boxes. I am not really as green as I think I am.
WHy do you love your kids SO VERY MUCH when you see them asleep? almost enough to want to wake them up to cuddle...almost I know better than to wake a baby. When I had Anna the nurse insisted I did to feed. MISTAKE.
How can I get excited about cleaning the same floor, emptying the dishwasher more. I think there is some Camilla Spencer quote to that effect. Again I have trouble with effect as opposed to affect sometimes.
Why do I hate when people give me unsolicited advice so much? ESPECIALLY people with less kids. Maybe they do know something I could benefit from. I doubt it though. and where did that saying "Boy, You've got your hands full" come from. Or are you going to have more kids? What kind of birth control? really? annoying
well crazy Moo needs to be put in her jammies and then our last run to pick up big sister from dance.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
We were very happy that the AC guy came this afternoon...funny how today when it is cool and the air conditioning doesn't need to be on anyway. I am sure enough that it will be roasting hot soon enough though.
today is the busiest day of the week, with piano, dance for both girls, and Jake's gym. and EG is practicing for the Ward talent show. Chris signed up our family to do a skit. The big kids and he will be in it. I thought about bringing in some birth videos and saying my talent is having kids, gross! kidding! I am thinking of bringing in some old drawings or me and my pregnant friend Autumn will do some Zumba. I know I am not quite as funny as I think, but as long as I make myself laugh right?!
today is the busiest day of the week, with piano, dance for both girls, and Jake's gym. and EG is practicing for the Ward talent show. Chris signed up our family to do a skit. The big kids and he will be in it. I thought about bringing in some birth videos and saying my talent is having kids, gross! kidding! I am thinking of bringing in some old drawings or me and my pregnant friend Autumn will do some Zumba. I know I am not quite as funny as I think, but as long as I make myself laugh right?!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
il fait chaud
it is getting hot in Mississippi, our AC is not working. Today I will be glad (but this might be the ONLY day) that we are renting bc we will not have to pay to get it fixed.
I am annoyed that we have stayed home all day waiting for the ac guy to come, and he is not. Really though we couldn't go anywhere because miss Maggie has a weird rash. All but two of the kids J and HN have had and still get weird rashes. Anna is all puffy and red and scaly, she and Mississippi springtime do not get along well!
I wanted to go to Spin this morning, at first I HATED this class, and still I went and after a bunch of pain meds for a sore bottom for the first few weeks, I still hate this class. However I love it at the same time. Maybe the closest thing to a "runner's high" I have felt. It pushes me and I feel like I've accomplished something when it is done. My friend Autumn and I go to a few other classes, like Zumba, power (a weight lifting class), circuit, blah blah. I am glad she goes.
I have finally come to the realization that one cannot (well this slow metabolism that is not getting any younger) eat whatever they want especially with saying I work out. Many of you already know this, but this is my lightbulb coming on. I've done weight watchers after Jake and had good results, I tried Atkins and south Beach but I am not a carnivore with only liking bacon, pepperoni, and sometimes a Hebrew National Hotdog so those aren't great options for various reasons. I am using thedailyplate.com it is good for me. FOUR pounds in 3 days, if you are skinny you will not get those kinds of results. It may be water but still nice to see. Plus no sugar, and no eating after 6pm.
I bought a new scale and saw I GAINED 6 pounds of the 16 I have lost since joining the gym the last week of October. I averaged about 3 times per week, with kids being sick and such missed a few weeks here and there.
Since my 40's are creeping up, I think that I really need to commit to change. (not Obama's kind though)
I will try not to think of the last TWELVE years I have been overweight after gaining 77 lbs with baby number one and never getting it off. I never made ME a priority.
I cannot get enough of this salad right now, butter lettuce, walnuts, raspberry vinaigrette, and BLUE CHEESE. I love it. it is good maybe not as good as the Carver's Salad or a Italian salad with Zia's dressing but right now it's what I am all about, that and some Chobani Greek yogurt! oh, and add in some scallions too, it makes it even more fabulous!!!
Maybe when I figure out this new external hard drive I will post pictures from Spring Break, Easter, GPA Sam visit, dirtbikes, the pink go Cart, and the rest of our crazy life!
I am annoyed that we have stayed home all day waiting for the ac guy to come, and he is not. Really though we couldn't go anywhere because miss Maggie has a weird rash. All but two of the kids J and HN have had and still get weird rashes. Anna is all puffy and red and scaly, she and Mississippi springtime do not get along well!
I wanted to go to Spin this morning, at first I HATED this class, and still I went and after a bunch of pain meds for a sore bottom for the first few weeks, I still hate this class. However I love it at the same time. Maybe the closest thing to a "runner's high" I have felt. It pushes me and I feel like I've accomplished something when it is done. My friend Autumn and I go to a few other classes, like Zumba, power (a weight lifting class), circuit, blah blah. I am glad she goes.
I have finally come to the realization that one cannot (well this slow metabolism that is not getting any younger) eat whatever they want especially with saying I work out. Many of you already know this, but this is my lightbulb coming on. I've done weight watchers after Jake and had good results, I tried Atkins and south Beach but I am not a carnivore with only liking bacon, pepperoni, and sometimes a Hebrew National Hotdog so those aren't great options for various reasons. I am using thedailyplate.com it is good for me. FOUR pounds in 3 days, if you are skinny you will not get those kinds of results. It may be water but still nice to see. Plus no sugar, and no eating after 6pm.
I bought a new scale and saw I GAINED 6 pounds of the 16 I have lost since joining the gym the last week of October. I averaged about 3 times per week, with kids being sick and such missed a few weeks here and there.
Since my 40's are creeping up, I think that I really need to commit to change. (not Obama's kind though)
I will try not to think of the last TWELVE years I have been overweight after gaining 77 lbs with baby number one and never getting it off. I never made ME a priority.
I cannot get enough of this salad right now, butter lettuce, walnuts, raspberry vinaigrette, and BLUE CHEESE. I love it. it is good maybe not as good as the Carver's Salad or a Italian salad with Zia's dressing but right now it's what I am all about, that and some Chobani Greek yogurt! oh, and add in some scallions too, it makes it even more fabulous!!!
Maybe when I figure out this new external hard drive I will post pictures from Spring Break, Easter, GPA Sam visit, dirtbikes, the pink go Cart, and the rest of our crazy life!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
sam started this throw up nonsense last week, Thursday with his moaning of an upset tummy. Friday night he was fine, and Sunday morning nobody else got sick so I thought we were good.
We went to Stake Conference, Chris got called into work so I stayed with the kids and they weren't horrible. I am glad we made it home for HN to start with the throwing up. Maggie got it in the middle of the night and then Jake and Emma Monday morning. A lot of laundry, but I didn't have to make any meals on Monday and we have so many leftovers from the wknd I think we will be good today. trying to see the positive. I do love some clean sheets and everyone has plenty of those.
Yesterday was great (aside from the vomiting) weather wise. Sam helped Chris plant our little garden. I am hoping we get a bumper crop. With no chicken fertilizer I am not sure if it will compare to our PA gardens. I look forward to canning this summer. We didn't have a garden last year, so we had no salsa, or tomatoes, or anything to enjoy in the fall/winter.
Today is gray and icky. It makes it easy to be lazy since the kids are home, (except J) and still feeling somewhat lethargic. I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday, and I need to go bc it helps me be somewhat calmer in the chaos.
So a seventy came to speak at Stk conf, his talk was really the only part of the mtg I heard. NOW vs MOST. He told a story of an 11 yr old boy who was diagnosed with leukemia. With 3 yrs of treatment, this form of cancer had a 90% cure rate. The little guy started with chemo and wanted to leave...he wanted to be a kid NOW, but of course what he wanted MOST was to be cured. Dieters want to loose weight MOST, but want to eat that cheesecake NOW!!! Apparently there were two more important words but I had to take some kids out so I missed that. I liked that and for now it will be my little catch phrase. I think it can applied to all sorts of situations in life.
In my life right now, it feels like limbo. We rent a home with the hopes of buying our own, but where? we are not finding anything that is "just right". I am not 100% sold on this area, for many reasons, being where we stay for a really long time. I do not like feeling unsettled. I am not at a stage in my life where spontaneity of big life issues is appealing to me. I try to simplify my life, not get involved in too much, but at the same time i feel like I distance myself from things/people and it is not fulfilling. well, this deep soul searching will have to take a place on the back burner as the kids are going crazy!!!
We went to Stake Conference, Chris got called into work so I stayed with the kids and they weren't horrible. I am glad we made it home for HN to start with the throwing up. Maggie got it in the middle of the night and then Jake and Emma Monday morning. A lot of laundry, but I didn't have to make any meals on Monday and we have so many leftovers from the wknd I think we will be good today. trying to see the positive. I do love some clean sheets and everyone has plenty of those.
Yesterday was great (aside from the vomiting) weather wise. Sam helped Chris plant our little garden. I am hoping we get a bumper crop. With no chicken fertilizer I am not sure if it will compare to our PA gardens. I look forward to canning this summer. We didn't have a garden last year, so we had no salsa, or tomatoes, or anything to enjoy in the fall/winter.
Today is gray and icky. It makes it easy to be lazy since the kids are home, (except J) and still feeling somewhat lethargic. I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday, and I need to go bc it helps me be somewhat calmer in the chaos.
So a seventy came to speak at Stk conf, his talk was really the only part of the mtg I heard. NOW vs MOST. He told a story of an 11 yr old boy who was diagnosed with leukemia. With 3 yrs of treatment, this form of cancer had a 90% cure rate. The little guy started with chemo and wanted to leave...he wanted to be a kid NOW, but of course what he wanted MOST was to be cured. Dieters want to loose weight MOST, but want to eat that cheesecake NOW!!! Apparently there were two more important words but I had to take some kids out so I missed that. I liked that and for now it will be my little catch phrase. I think it can applied to all sorts of situations in life.
In my life right now, it feels like limbo. We rent a home with the hopes of buying our own, but where? we are not finding anything that is "just right". I am not 100% sold on this area, for many reasons, being where we stay for a really long time. I do not like feeling unsettled. I am not at a stage in my life where spontaneity of big life issues is appealing to me. I try to simplify my life, not get involved in too much, but at the same time i feel like I distance myself from things/people and it is not fulfilling. well, this deep soul searching will have to take a place on the back burner as the kids are going crazy!!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A lot of the time I complain that my life is BORING, mundane, the same....right now it consists of many hours of driving kids around, countless time doing laundry, mopping ,and dusting, and picking up toys, bathing children, grocery shopping. like ground hog day...same stuff over and over. Ok, well you get the idea I am sure. most moms do. This week I am thinking about Easter outfits, and where our summer vacation will be. Nothing fabulous.
but the more I think about it, I am blessed that my life is not eventful and ridiculously crazy. that I have healthy children, and we can even go on a vacation and I have a car to drive these kids around in.
sometimes when I go back and read over some of these posts I am aware of how dorky they may be, and wish they weren't so emotional or hope they don't sound braggy. tons of stuff I am thinking yikes, I cannot believe I said THAT or THAT!! and I have mentioned the fact that grammar, spelling, obviously not concerned about that.
today I am glad for my same old same old, and thanking my lucky stars for it.
post edit:::my kids did decide to shake things up, HN squirted Chocolate syrup all over his bedroom and Sam woke up with some stomach bug this morning.
but the more I think about it, I am blessed that my life is not eventful and ridiculously crazy. that I have healthy children, and we can even go on a vacation and I have a car to drive these kids around in.
sometimes when I go back and read over some of these posts I am aware of how dorky they may be, and wish they weren't so emotional or hope they don't sound braggy. tons of stuff I am thinking yikes, I cannot believe I said THAT or THAT!! and I have mentioned the fact that grammar, spelling, obviously not concerned about that.
today I am glad for my same old same old, and thanking my lucky stars for it.
post edit:::my kids did decide to shake things up, HN squirted Chocolate syrup all over his bedroom and Sam woke up with some stomach bug this morning.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
this morning we were really late for church. getting used to 9am church after 4 years of 1pm church is hard and I really just want to sleep in.
when a primary child turns the magic age of 12 in this ward something really special happens. If you are a boy going into Priesthood, all the little guys and bishopric come in and sing a cute song they made up just for that boy. They are always hilarious.
If you are a young lady, all the young women and leaders come into the Primary Room, sing a cute song, give the girl a tiara, a bag, and sash that reads "Queen Bee".
There have been many of these little ceremonies as of late...lots of little girls moved up in Nov, a few more in January, and only one was left to be with about 50 boys in sharing time. Today was the day she has so longed for...not me though. When I saw all the little young women come in today for my daughter, my baby girl, immediately the water works. I did manage to get lots of pictures, bc Anna could not run away from this. (of course I will add these later!)
where does the time go?! how could this be? We have our mom-daughter issues, she wants to grow up, I want her to stay little. In all her tween moments, she is a fine example to me. She works hard, is conscientious, strives to do good, a big helper, smart, very talented, becoming beautiful young lady, has a wonderful testimony that I pray she never looses. I love my Anna.
when a primary child turns the magic age of 12 in this ward something really special happens. If you are a boy going into Priesthood, all the little guys and bishopric come in and sing a cute song they made up just for that boy. They are always hilarious.
If you are a young lady, all the young women and leaders come into the Primary Room, sing a cute song, give the girl a tiara, a bag, and sash that reads "Queen Bee".
There have been many of these little ceremonies as of late...lots of little girls moved up in Nov, a few more in January, and only one was left to be with about 50 boys in sharing time. Today was the day she has so longed for...not me though. When I saw all the little young women come in today for my daughter, my baby girl, immediately the water works. I did manage to get lots of pictures, bc Anna could not run away from this. (of course I will add these later!)
where does the time go?! how could this be? We have our mom-daughter issues, she wants to grow up, I want her to stay little. In all her tween moments, she is a fine example to me. She works hard, is conscientious, strives to do good, a big helper, smart, very talented, becoming beautiful young lady, has a wonderful testimony that I pray she never looses. I love my Anna.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
great skin and cupcakes
my mom has been a QVC gal for many years...Chris ordered a scooter for Jake that we happened to see while flipping through the channels this past Christmas.
last night I was channel surfing and saw the Philosophy Hour and cannot believe I ordered the Today's Special Value! it really is a bargain price and now I will get a jumbo purity cleanser, micro cleanser and some microderm abrasion thing. since anna and Chris both use this stuff, there will plenty to go around now! and what is more exciting, it will come every four months. thank you QVC.
it is getting me through bc the fancy cupcakes I worked all morning on for an EQ social are now all over the floor. thanks to a child of mine, which I did not yell at but he/she had to clean up the mess and that was a BIG mess. I didn't even help, I had to leave the room because I wanted to get really upset!! still a teeny bit mad. ok more than a teeny bit. i guess I can bring those Girl Scout Cookies. No, I will go buy some popsicles.
last night I was channel surfing and saw the Philosophy Hour and cannot believe I ordered the Today's Special Value! it really is a bargain price and now I will get a jumbo purity cleanser, micro cleanser and some microderm abrasion thing. since anna and Chris both use this stuff, there will plenty to go around now! and what is more exciting, it will come every four months. thank you QVC.
it is getting me through bc the fancy cupcakes I worked all morning on for an EQ social are now all over the floor. thanks to a child of mine, which I did not yell at but he/she had to clean up the mess and that was a BIG mess. I didn't even help, I had to leave the room because I wanted to get really upset!! still a teeny bit mad. ok more than a teeny bit. i guess I can bring those Girl Scout Cookies. No, I will go buy some popsicles.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I think there should be some sort of drive-ins, where you could get milk, bread, and essentials and those things you forget at the grocery store but don't want to go back for that one thing even though you have to have it for what you are cooking for dinner. Perhaps a maximum of items so it doesn't get to crowded. It would make my life easier!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010

crazy that this is the second "snow" day we have had in Mississippi. Jakob is wondering why, because we told him he could pretty much wear flip flops all year here. Not the best fluffy snow, it is a bit slushy but the kids are enjoying it. Not even close to what the east coast is getting, but a big deal for the deep south. I like it bc I know it will be gone soon enough and we will not have to deal with it until April, like in Erie (that place was kind of miserable!). Anna is having her big TWELVE bday party tonight. silly ladies and lots of junk food and fun!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
so, of course when I start whining...(yes, sometimes I do stop!) I want new curtains, buy me a new rug, blah blah. I don't like this or that.... I get a good slap in the face.
the last time someone passed away that was related to me was back when I was Anna's age. My uncle died yesterday. I did not know him very well.you can read about him here. I do know that my aunt and he were retired and setting off to enjoy their golden years together. I know that it was unexpected and horrible. (a bad motorcycle/car accident) I know that even though my man and I are passionate people (that is just a nicer way of saying we are hot headed, stubborn, and tend to fuss at one another more often than we should) I want to spend the rest of my life and beyond with him. So I will TRY (until the next reality check) to love him and my kids, not get all crazy about retarded stuff. I am really trying not to raise my voice/ ok YELL at my kids so much. I hate that I do that. and hate is a bad word around here, so I have to really mean it to use it.
and in my last post when I mentioned a reason for lack of posts was bc I was cleaning more, that is really a big fat lie.
the last time someone passed away that was related to me was back when I was Anna's age. My uncle died yesterday. I did not know him very well.you can read about him here. I do know that my aunt and he were retired and setting off to enjoy their golden years together. I know that it was unexpected and horrible. (a bad motorcycle/car accident) I know that even though my man and I are passionate people (that is just a nicer way of saying we are hot headed, stubborn, and tend to fuss at one another more often than we should) I want to spend the rest of my life and beyond with him. So I will TRY (until the next reality check) to love him and my kids, not get all crazy about retarded stuff. I am really trying not to raise my voice/ ok YELL at my kids so much. I hate that I do that. and hate is a bad word around here, so I have to really mean it to use it.
and in my last post when I mentioned a reason for lack of posts was bc I was cleaning more, that is really a big fat lie.
Monday, January 25, 2010
why I never blog anymore
too lazy to upload the pictures
doing loads and loads of laundry
my normal computer time is in the morning, and now we go to the gym
I don't want to complain when I should be really grateful for all I have, but it is a hard adjustment moving here because the schools are different, the weather, well I do not like being hot, getting a good haircut, not a lot of parks. SEE ? yes, people have lost their homes in earthquakes, natural disasters....I am not sure if it is since I have never lived in one place forever I just am scared to put down roots. and we are having a difficult time finding land to build. no, we did not get that house close to Brett Favre. though he could use a good friend right about now to comfort him.
I carpool all day long everyday to school, activities, etc
my house is bigger so there is more to clean, taking up more time
I am trying not to "waste" my time on the computer and do other things, I have read a ton of books lately. last one was THE HERETIC'S DAUGHTER by Kathleen Kent. very good historical fiction.
for the last few months, we had thanksgiving, I went to Chicago with my friend Cybil for a few days. It was fantastic!! I love Chicago!!! Christmas, New years Eve (Chris was on call and went to sleep and the kids and I missed the ball drop bc we are now in Central time, lame!) Chris' mom visited for a few days. Had some crazy cold for Mississippi or even Alaska weather. Chris and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, Nolan finally got a haircut...now we need to get Sam to cooperate for one.Saw a bunch of movies, blah blah. If you are a facebook friend I put some pictures up there. I know you are dying to see the beautiful babies!
doing loads and loads of laundry
my normal computer time is in the morning, and now we go to the gym
I don't want to complain when I should be really grateful for all I have, but it is a hard adjustment moving here because the schools are different, the weather, well I do not like being hot, getting a good haircut, not a lot of parks. SEE ? yes, people have lost their homes in earthquakes, natural disasters....I am not sure if it is since I have never lived in one place forever I just am scared to put down roots. and we are having a difficult time finding land to build. no, we did not get that house close to Brett Favre. though he could use a good friend right about now to comfort him.
I carpool all day long everyday to school, activities, etc
my house is bigger so there is more to clean, taking up more time
I am trying not to "waste" my time on the computer and do other things, I have read a ton of books lately. last one was THE HERETIC'S DAUGHTER by Kathleen Kent. very good historical fiction.
for the last few months, we had thanksgiving, I went to Chicago with my friend Cybil for a few days. It was fantastic!! I love Chicago!!! Christmas, New years Eve (Chris was on call and went to sleep and the kids and I missed the ball drop bc we are now in Central time, lame!) Chris' mom visited for a few days. Had some crazy cold for Mississippi or even Alaska weather. Chris and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, Nolan finally got a haircut...now we need to get Sam to cooperate for one.Saw a bunch of movies, blah blah. If you are a facebook friend I put some pictures up there. I know you are dying to see the beautiful babies!
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