Tuesday, December 30, 2008

an even dozen

Today is our Twelfth anniversary, in the past twelve years...well we have been busy. We have lived in seven dwellings, both got our bachelors, Chris went on for his masters, med school, and almost finished residency. Chris has had MANY jobs, real and side ones. I've just had one before having all the SIX kids. WHo knew marriage could be so challenging at times, but hoping for many more wonderful years together!
We met when we were both fourteen, I was visiting my grandma in Mississippi and she dropped me and my friend Merry off at a youth conference...one look into those big blue eyes, and I was hooked

He must have fallen in love with me because I was so 80's

YES, I am lame it is a picture of a picture beacuse if you know me we have a silly computer that will nto hook up a scanner, printer and we are too cheap to get it fixed...okay, after the youth conference I never saw Chris again until I was 22. My dad retired in Mississippi and I came home to visit from Utah. Our mothers played matchmaker and we were married 8 months later.

Of course The girls had to approve the goods

So twelve years ago today we were sealed in the Washington, D.C. Temple. Happy Anniversary Chris Painter! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Holiday Photos

Every mom could use one of these, a wonderful older daughter!
yes, I put all the photos in backwards...so here is Sam after he finally woke up

What everyone was doing while Sam was asleep

Not a big fan of waking up at 6am, who cares what Santa brought

Just so you know Sam, I can still see you even when you cover your eyes silly!

Santa didn't need to bring Nolan a thing, this box was way more fun!

Maggie putting the star on the ridiculous tree from target, bet you would never guess I only spent $12 on it!!, we didn't even put on our real ornaments, my mom sent me these and they did just fine...we also made some edible ornaments, cookies but they never made it!

All Jakob wants for Christmas is to be bigger than his older sister

A happy family by the charlie brown tree, they had fun

This is what Maggeroo thought of her dad working on Christmas or could be the fact that she is wearing Emma's bow and it is way too big and hurting her head.

The Holiday Feast

The girls loved the food, while in line I kept offering Jakob differnet items where he kept turning them down, and said Mom I am on a diet. Okay but when we got to the dessert table I guess I got the idea.
Though our Christmas was not the most well planned or huge in gifts, it was fun and simple...so it wasn't so stressful. Perhaps we will do better next year!

How time flies!

smile is a teeny bit weird

I still cannot give up on matching the kids!

Oh, pretty much the same shot as above in weirdiness

Can you believe this baby girl is already TWO months old???

She is 8lbs 9 oz 24 inches long

She LOVES to be swaddled

LOVES being held, almost all the time!

She loves her brothers & sisters, I am just making that up but she is smiley a lot especially when someone is holding her, facing outward of course.

She slept 7 hours last night!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Today we are going to eat at the hospital with Chris, We will decorate tomorrow after I buy a fake tree (now that they are on sale), Sam is allergic so no more real ones for us. We will celebrate Saturday morning, but we are all ready even the gifts are wrapped. We headed out yesterday to the dollar store to get stocking stuffers and such, the kids will probably like those things the best, and I won't feel bed when I throw it away in a purging mood. So I am off to finish the fudge and cookies we are making today!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Can you tell who the babies are??

you know when you (well I) are pregnant and at the end the days drag and seem to take forever, but after the baby comes time goes by way too fast and the baby gets so big. It kind of makes me sad, maybe because she is my last little baby and I want to remember every little thing she does. we all seem to be so in love with her, especially her brothers...this morning Sam and Jake were fussing over her and getting mad at the other for holding her too long and not being able to give her enough kisses. I cannot believe Anna is just about 11, I am so trying to enjoy these moments because I know I will miss them one day before I know it too. All the arguing about silly stuff, the crumbs on the floor, folding clothes, I know I am very blessed. and before I get too corny I will end this and remember these thoughts as I take the little monsters to the doctor!!

Back from the doctor, we were ther for 1 1/2 hours, they were pretty good and only escaped form the room once or twice. maggie is up to 8 1/2 pounds (three of my kids were that or more as newborns) and 22 3/4 inches long so she has grown taller than chubbier.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Jakob asked, "Is Nollie part way elf??", I think he might be because his ears kind of poke out."

we are thinking of pushing Christmas back a few days, our reasoning to the kids why Santa may be a few days late is that Chris is working those days, but truly it is beacause they have lame parents this year who procrastinated shopping or catching the holiday spirit, we don't even have a tree yet!!

it is really about that baby Jesus and according to the kids Christmas isn't his real birthday anyhow so why not celebrate it whenever you'd like.

bunches of stuff

This post is full of pictures, so many I know and most are of Maggie because she is my favorite right now and the only one who will sit still for any amount of time, since I did not have one of Emma in the last little while I started it off of a cute three year old Emma sleeping, sweet!!
Sam had such a hard day at the office he did not even take off his coat and tie, what you did not see is that he is not wearing any pants!

The boys having a "sleepover" on the couch

Who is that masked man?? I asked J if he made that at school, he said "no, I found it in the trash". Oh, alright then

the only picture I got at hershey Park last wknd before the camera battery died, it was COLD

Little Monster!!

Anna's Holiday orchestra and choir concert

the next pictures are a few of the MANY I took of a home in Arkansas, great price totally restored, 6 bedrooms 3 floors of fun, but I did not care for the town

great kitchen, does that sexy guy come with the house???

great tile on the front wrap around porch

looking down the stairs

the foyer

E and M in their matching pjs

Here baby have your "pinky"

M's first cold :(

M with GMA T in Tupelo

the boys and baby M

E and baby M

M's first plane ride, she was very good the first few days, but pretty much was a colicky baby in AR, me too!!

Mags and the bestest Aunt in the whole wide world Penelope!

I don't know why this is sideways but not changing it now

baby m and her daddy, we had a great trip and the kids loved being with Penny, she is way more fun than me apparently!! We loved Tupelo and HOPE that they decide to expand their group, we won't know until January so start your prayers pretty please!!!

oh another picture Chris at Elvis Presleys first little house

and Chris eating Memphis BBQ