Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Sam and I were looking at some pictures on the computer and we found this,

poor little man with his horrible rash. For months he did not sleep, we had to put socks on his hands so he wouldn't claw his raw oozing skin. People offered lots of advice, I tried to make it better, but I couldn't. Finally after a bout with RSV, a random pediatrician gave me a referral to the dermatologist. Dr. Zanglein took one look and said, food allergies and we got his blood work tested. Wheat, Eggs, Peanuts, Soy, Milk, dogs to be avoided...and now we have added a few other foods and some environmental allergies as well. The allergist just added Singulair to his arsenal of daily medications and that has helped so much with asthma and environmental allergies. I am glad he is not so miserable anymore, but I kind of wish I could take away the naughty part of TWO. I guess I may not think the other stuff is so cute though. Last night we had to go to Walmart (I do not like going there at all!!) and Sam wants some new CARS (from the movie) and so I buy them...Chris is like you bought those for him??? why? I cannot help it, he is spoiled rotten and I just do not want to say no. We are so excited that we have a new snack for him....chocolate icing (confec sugar, cocoa, & rice milk) over rice crispies, then put it in a casserole and let it set. He loves his new may need something to bind it a bit more so any ideas??? Martha Stewart is having a food allergy/sensitivity recipe contest so maybe we can enter it.

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