Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I like it when I wake up in the morning with the same sinus headache I went to bed with, only worse. and the dr husband says take tylenol you'll be surprised how much it will help... oh yeah right. Then when you are mean to the kids before they get on the bus ruining their day, and feeling guilty about the horrible breakfasts they have been eating, not spending any quality time with any of them, one an emotional wreck because she is certain you like the new baby more than her now, sending one to school with a paper thin jacket because you have no time to get to the store and pick an acceptable one out, the house staying a complete disaster, knowing you will throw out that enormous crockpot of chili away you made last night because it was easy, but knowing only two people would eat it and you are not one of them, having one pair of pants that fit, and your husband asking if you are going to get the weight off before your trip next month, vacuuming fifty times and then having an emotional breakdown, finally getting to the bank (yes, the same one you went to yesterday that was closed! holiday!!) waiting for 7 minutes for someone to help then sending my stuff in and then sending over my drivers license to get cash back, No, your license expired last month...thanks getting all my kids in and out of Hershey Pharmacy, which is full of little knick nacs to get some sinus medication, hurrying over to the drs office...wait, why are the lights off and everyone leaving??!! your appointment is not for two more hours, and then you'll have to rush over after those two appointments to take Maggie to the audiologist...and then you start crying right there almost uncontrollably because you realize that headache is nothing compared to the immense feeling of AAAHHHHHH!!! my life is completely unraveling right from under my feet and I am not sure how I can keep it together....but the medication is starting to work now so there is some good news.


Jill said...

I miss you! I wish I was there to help. Not that I have things totally in control...I just know the feeling of bringing home a new baby and feeling so overwhelmed when all of the help is gone and it is all up to you to do EVERYTHING! Things will get mom always reminds me that these sweet little souls don't stay little for long so enjoy it...then they grow up and are you best friends. I love that you have six kids, I've always wanted six kids. Your kids were always decked out at church and they were always so perfect on their bench...I'm working on that! You are beautiful! :)

Jill said...

I meant "your best friends" :}

Vinnie said...

Nik, I so wish I could help you! Why does Maggie have to go to the audiologist? Is she OK? Take a minute for yourself, and all will be OK.

Tam said...

i haven't gotten to know you too well, but i check your blog now and then. i love this post, so well put! i'm always home if you need a sitter. and i know about the head ache thing and the dr. husband suggesting tylenol thing- thanks but no thanks boys