Monday, December 15, 2008

and another thing...

yesterday on the drive to church I saw a shoe on the road and wondered how did it get there? Perhaps it was like what happened today as I went to Giant to get some stuff and laundry detergent, well when I got to that aisle I was wrestling Sam back into the cart and noticed that Nolan only had one CROC on (this is a reason I hate crocs), I searched the store but no now when I am driving down the road and see that single croc missing it's mate I may just throw it out the window. Oh I and I did not get the laundry detergent!!

speaking of shoes, I am happy to have Maggie to dress up...her feet are too skinny for any of her shoes really yet. Anna had this cute metallic sweater dress on yesterday & I got her cute black footless tights and ballet flats to go with it, what does she come up the stairs with white tights (after labor day too!) and these plastic see through silver clippity clop shoes. (I bought them this summer after hours of hunting for shoes for a wedding and gave in because I do not like clippity clop shoes on little girls, she wears a size SIX so we are kind of running out of options on little girl shoes though) I said nothing and even to Emma in her white dress shoes they went along with the trashy tennis shoes Jakob had on because for weeks I have been talking about getting him acceptable shoes but NEVER do!! also we went to hershey Park Saturday and we thought Nolan's crocs would be too cold so he wore his church shoes. I will be getting them shoes right after the Christmas shopping done, that is right I have not bought one gift for any of my SIX children, so if you are a distant relative don't count on anything this year.

well I would go into detail about our trip, but will wait until I upload the pictures off the camera, that will have to wait until I change Maggie's pants.

1 comment:

Vinnie said...

Nik, I seriously was laughing out loud! How I miss you. I could just see your face and the look of horror as your daughter was wearing white after labor day, and your boys wearing their church shoes. I bet you would have rather died!