Thursday, October 16, 2008


I am back from the baby yet. here is the too much information as promised
dialated to 3, almost completely effaced, baby at +2 station (which she informs me is not usual for a subsequent baby to drop until labor) she stripped my membranes...inquires how far I live away and says don't go far. I will not get excited, this news is not new. With Jakob I was dialated to a 6, they broke my water and I still did not go into labor.
oh, and appointments next week, I guess I am on my own.


1..2..3..Painter Team said...

Looked at multiple of your posts-sorry for the late nights I remeber feeling that way (that waking up all the time preps the mom for the babe) BUT it DIDN'T! When I had Cants all I wanted to do was sleep. Anyways, fun to read all your posts1


I meant to tell you Happy Birthday. I can't believe you will have a new addition any day now, maybe tonight! That's so exciting! Let us all know - when she arrives!