Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Sam has had some sleeping issues the last few weeks (well what is 52 times 3??) staying up till about 12pm, sometimes sleeping in but usually up at 6 or 7am he may fall asleep at 3pm which we all know is TOO late for a nap so the vicious cycle, but he still looks cute. and he is still asleep since 11am.
I couldn't get out the camera quick enough as we drove home from the park Nollie put his boots on his hands and it was funny, but I missed it. I think he needs some help with his camera smile!

again with that "smile", he is really into feeding himself lately

Sunday Best

Can you feel the love???

Autumn Day at the Masonic Home, here is Jake feeding Cindy the cow. That extra kid is not ours, but she is in almost every shot on the camera :( Sam LOVED feeding the cows especially the baby.
More Autum Day, which is really a day to go and get free food, oh there are games for the kids & other things, but that is not really why we go. is that white trashish??!!

Our morning visitors!!!
Our Mardi Gras mask, celebrating a few months early!

Pretty rainbow, this picture really doesn't need a caption I am sure most people know this is a rainbow. When the clouds moved we saw the entire arch and it was beautiful.
Just random pictures from September that I finally took off the camera...not a very eventful month with exciting things, but always busy with school starting and stuff. The girls begin dance tomorrow night, Jakob gymnastics next week and then he is doing basketball in November, which of course gets Chris very excited that it is not dance or singing and he loves basketball himself!

1 comment:

1..2..3..Painter Team said...

Nolan looks soo cute! His blonde hair-ohhh!! & of course Sam sleeping he does look so tender!