Wednesday, October 1, 2008

few more things

just a friendly reminder that there are now 15 shopping days left until my Big day, a big one this year, not a decade birthday but still 35, yikes!!! We have narrowed our name choices...these are what I would like and since I fill out the birth certificate everytime, well anyway
Either Amelia Claire (Chris likes it with Magnolia but I think that is too much) or Caroline Magnolia. I will be needing some additional comfort for the next week as Chris leaves tomorrow and perhaps a call to see if my children are okay ;) until he comes back you can expect an unexpectedly high volume (you can tell I have been waiting on hold a lot today b/c that is on hold language) of rants, perhaps some raves because sometimes I am more patient when Chris is not around, like if I know he will not be around I know I need (to try) to keep it together, but if he is no where to be found and like 3 hours later than I thought he should have arrived, well watch out!


Jana said...

Good luck with the new little one. Let us know if you need any thing!

Vinnie said...

Dear sweet Nikki,
hang in there! You are an awesome mom. I can't believe you do as much as you do. You put some moms to shame. I wish I was closer so I could come and help you. But now that I am in school, it really is not an option. Good luck with the new little lady. Send me your number again, and I will give you a ring sometime.